
2.2 KiB

author date paging
Nathan Anderson MMMM dd, YYYY Slide %d / %d

Steps to Publish

  1. Initialize Library
  2. Write Library
  3. Write some tests
  4. Publish!

1. Initialize Your Library!

Publishing Requirements

  • You must include a LICENSE file.
  • Your package must be smaller than 100 MB after gzip compression.
  • Your package should depend only on hosted dependencies (from the default pub package server) and SDK dependencies (sdk: flutter).
  • You must have a Google Account,

Publishing is Forever

To make sure projects don't break after using a dependency, you are unable to take down a published project.

If you will have regrets publishing, turn back now.

Initialize Project

Creating a flutter library is straightforward, simply run the command

flutter create -template=package <package_name>

Creates a new flutter project with a simple example library inside.

Select License

This is important. The dart team recommends the BSD-3 clause license.

pubspec.yaml Considerations

In the pubspec.yaml file, it is recommended to include a "homepage" or "repository" field. This gets popultated into the package page on

# Top of pubspec.yaml file
name: stripe_native_card_field
description: A native flutter implementation of Stripes Card Field.
version: 0.0.1

2. Write Your Library

Important Bits

Be sure to include a file at the root of your library as this is what determines the content of your packages page on

A file can also be included and will fill out a tab on the package's page

Verified Publisher

You can publish under a verified domain as a "Verified Publisher". Its a bit of a process. But it adds a cool checkmark on your package and you can hide your email.


Its a good idea to include some Unit Tests and Widget Tests for your library.

3. Publishing!

Dry Run

To see the results of what publishing will look like without going through with it run

dart pub publish --dry-run

Dart Publishing Guide