• Server

    0 Open
    0 Closed

    Main game loop
    Send and receive game state updates
    Handle and close connections
    Lobby Organization

  • Client

    0 Open
    0 Closed

    Watching movement keys
    Send game state messages to server
    Render ascii
    Open and close connections to server
    Lobby interface

  • Client Server Networking

    0 Open
    0 Closed

    Passing Messages between client and server

    MVP: Game movement message, StateUpdate messages, GameOver message, GameStarting message, Lobby Messages

  • Game State

    0 Open
    0 Closed

    Ball position
    P1 score
    P2 score
    P1 position
    P2 position

  • Ascii Rendering

    1 Open
    0 Closed

    Be able to render basic objects in the terminal, at different window sizes with scales.

    MVP: Draw square playing field, players, and ball.

    100 x 200 play field

    4 x 1 player

    2x2 or 1x1 ball or whatever.

    Draw position of player, ball, and updates