WIP html parsing

This commit is contained in:
Nathan Anderson 2023-11-14 09:38:12 -07:00
parent 70fbe8668b
commit 492f890283
13 changed files with 398 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const std = @import("std"); const std = @import("std");
const htzx = @import("build/htzx_build.zig"); const htzx = @import("src/htzx/htzx_build.zig");
pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void { pub fn build(b: *std.Build) !void {
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{}); const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{}); const optimize = b.standardOptimizeOption(.{});

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
const std = @import("std");
const Token = @import("token.zig").Token;
pub fn Scanner(comptime Source: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
const SourceType = Source;
line: u32,
col: u32,
current: u32,
// fn scanArrayList(self: Self, source: SourceType, token_array: std.ArrayListAligned(Token, null)) !std.ArrayListAligned(Token, null) {
// _ = self;
// var eof = false;
// while (!eof) {
// // switch(
// }
// }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub const Token = struct {
lexeme: Lexeme,
raw: []const u8,
line: u32,
col: u32,
pub const Lexeme = enum {
pub const TagTypes = enum {
pub const TagAttributes = enum {
// <h3 class="gogo">text</h3>

View File

@ -4,8 +4,10 @@ const log = std.log.scoped(.htzx_comp);
pub fn build_htzx(b: *std.Build, exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile) !void { pub fn build_htzx(b: *std.Build, exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile) !void {
// Setup comptime parsing for /lib files // Setup comptime parsing for /lib files
var markup_files = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator); var markup_files = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator);
var markup_files_content = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator);
// var zig_files = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator); // var zig_files = std.ArrayList([]const u8).init(b.allocator);
defer markup_files.deinit(); defer markup_files.deinit();
defer markup_files_content.deinit();
// defer zig_files.deinit(); // defer zig_files.deinit();
var options = b.addOptions(); var options = b.addOptions();
@ -27,7 +29,7 @@ pub fn build_htzx(b: *std.Build, exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile) !void {
} }
if (file.?.kind == .file) { if (file.?.kind == .file) {
const relative_path = file.?.path; const relative_path = file.?.path;
const file_path = try std.mem.concat(b.allocator, u8, &[_][]const u8{lib_dir_path, relative_path}); const file_path = try std.mem.concat(b.allocator, u8, &[_][]const u8{ lib_dir_path, relative_path });
var split_iter = std.mem.splitBackwardsAny(u8, relative_path, "."); var split_iter = std.mem.splitBackwardsAny(u8, relative_path, ".");
var extension = split_iter.first(); var extension = split_iter.first();
// if (std.mem.eql(u8, extension, "zig")) { // if (std.mem.eql(u8, extension, "zig")) {
@ -49,6 +51,9 @@ pub fn build_htzx(b: *std.Build, exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile) !void {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, extension, "html")) { if (std.mem.eql(u8, extension, "html")) {
log.info("Adding html file {s}...", .{file_path}); log.info("Adding html file {s}...", .{file_path});
try markup_files.append(b.dupe(file_path)); try markup_files.append(b.dupe(file_path));
var f = try std.fs.cwd().openFile(file_path, .{});
var content = try f.readToEndAlloc(b.allocator, 1024 * 1024);
try markup_files_content.append(content);
} else { } else {
log.info("Unrecognized file extension '.{s}'\t{s}", .{ extension, file_path }); log.info("Unrecognized file extension '.{s}'\t{s}", .{ extension, file_path });
} }
@ -60,5 +65,6 @@ pub fn build_htzx(b: *std.Build, exe: *std.Build.Step.Compile) !void {
// as a string array at comptime in main.zig // as a string array at comptime in main.zig
// options.addOption([]const []const u8, "zig_files", zig_files.items); // options.addOption([]const []const u8, "zig_files", zig_files.items);
options.addOption([]const []const u8, "markup_files", markup_files.items); options.addOption([]const []const u8, "markup_files", markup_files.items);
options.addOption([]const []const u8, "markup_files_content", markup_files_content.items);
exe.addOptions("options", options); exe.addOptions("options", options);
} }

src/htzx/method_route.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
const std = @import("std");
const string = []const u8;
/// Tagged union `std.http.Method` with string route
pub const MethodRoute = union(std.http.Method) {
GET: string,
HEAD: string,
POST: string,
PUT: string,
DELETE: string,
CONNECT: string,
OPTIONS: string,
TRACE: string,
PATCH: string,
pub fn create(method: std.http.Method, target: string) MethodRoute {
var method_route = switch (method) {
.GET => MethodRoute{ .GET = target },
.POST => MethodRoute{ .POST = target },
.PUT => MethodRoute{ .PUT = target },
.DELETE => MethodRoute{ .DELETE = target },
.PATCH => MethodRoute{ .PATCH = target },
else => unreachable,
return method_route;
pub fn getRoute(method_route: MethodRoute) string {
var route = switch (method_route) {
.GET => method_route.GET,
.POST => method_route.POST,
.PUT => method_route.PUT,
.DELETE => method_route.DELETE,
.PATCH => method_route.PATCH,
else => unreachable,
return route;
pub fn getMethod(method_route: MethodRoute) std.http.Method {
var http_method = switch (method_route) {
.GET => std.http.Method.GET,
.POST => std.http.Method.POST,
.PUT => std.http.Method.PUT,
.DELETE => std.http.Method.DELETE,
.PATCH => std.http.Method.PATCH,
else => unreachable,
return http_method;
/// Route Context for creating a std.ArrayHashMap with MethodRoute keys
pub const RouteContext = struct {
pub fn hash(self: @This(), key: MethodRoute) u32 {
_ = self;
var route = key.getRoute();
return std.array_hash_map.hashString(route);
pub fn eql(self: @This(), a: MethodRoute, b: MethodRoute, b_index: usize) bool {
_ = b_index;
_ = self;
return std.mem.eql(u8, a.getRoute(), b.getRoute()) and a.getMethod() == b.getMethod();

View File

@ -1,17 +1,66 @@
const std = @import("std"); const std = @import("std");
const one_megabyte: usize = 1024 * 1024; const one_megabyte: usize = 1024 * 1024;
const string = []const u8; const string = []const u8;
const log = std.log.scoped(.server);
const HtmlValidator = @import("validators.zig").HtmlValidator;
const markup_files_content = @import("options").markup_files_content;
pub const MarkupContent = struct {
path: string,
html: string,
// Caller owns the returned StringArrayHashMap // Caller owns the returned StringArrayHashMap
pub fn open_html_load(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, filenames: []const []const u8) !std.StringArrayHashMap(string) { pub fn open_validate_html_load(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, comptime filenames: []const []const u8) !std.StringArrayHashMap(string) {
var dir = std.fs.cwd(); var dir = std.fs.cwd();
var html_file_map = std.StringArrayHashMap(string).init(allocator); var html_file_map = std.StringArrayHashMap(string).init(allocator);
for (filenames) |file_name| { comptime var index = 0;
inline for (filenames) |file_name| {
comptime {
// Validate comptime html file content
var html_content = markup_files_content[index];
var valid = HtmlValidator.comp_validate(html_content);
if (!valid) {
@compileError("Invalid html in file " ++ file_name);
index += 1;
// Get rid of "src/lib"
var file_base = file_name[7..];
var iter = std.mem.splitBackwardsSequence(u8, file_base, "/");
var basename = iter.first();
var route_len = file_base.len - basename.len;
var arr: [100]u8 = undefined;
var buf = arr[0..];
var route_name = try std.fmt.bufPrint(buf, "{s}", .{file_base[0..route_len]});
var f = try dir.openFile(file_name, .{}); var f = try dir.openFile(file_name, .{});
var html_content = try f.readToEndAlloc(allocator, one_megabyte); var html_content = try f.readToEndAlloc(allocator, one_megabyte);
try html_file_map.putNoClobber(file_name, html_content); // log.info("Adding html get route to {s}\tGot file_base {s}, basename {s}, route_len {d}...", .{
// route_name,
// file_base,
// basename,
// route_len,
// });
try html_file_map.putNoClobber(try allocator.dupe(u8, route_name), html_content);
} }
return html_file_map; return html_file_map;
} }
// pub fn nameToEnumTag(name: []const u8, comptime Enum: type) enumError!Enum {
// comptime {
// if (@typeInfo(Enum) != .Enum) {
// @compileError("Non enum type passed into function: " ++ @typeName(Enum));
// }
// }
// inline for (@typeInfo(Enum).Enum.fields) |field| {
// if (std.mem.eql(u8, name, field.name)) {
// const tag: Enum = @enumFromInt(field.value);
// return tag;
// }
// }
// return enumError.EnumFieldNotFound;
// }

src/htzx/validators.zig Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub const HtmlValidator = struct {
pub fn comp_validate(comptime html: []const u8) bool {
_ = html;
// TODO this needs to be done
return true;
pub fn validate(html: []const u8) bool {
_ = html;
return true;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My Simple HTML Page</title>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/htmx.org@1.9.8"></script>
<h1>Welcome to My Web Page</h1>
<p>This is a simple HTML document.</p>
<p>Thank you for visiting.</p>
<div id="parent-div">
<h3>Want Zig Facts?</h3>
<button hx-get="/zig"
Get Zig Facts

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn post() i32 {
std.debug.print("Running route get!\n", .{});
return 13;

View File

@ -14,7 +14,8 @@ pub fn main() !void {
var server = Zx.init(allocator); var server = Zx.init(allocator);
defer server.deinit(); defer server.deinit();
try server.GET("/zig", index.getIndex); try server.GET("/zig", index.getZig);
try server.POST("/zig", index.postZig);
server.runServer() catch |err| { server.runServer() catch |err| {
log.err("Server exited with err: {any}\nDumping trace:\n", .{err}); log.err("Server exited with err: {any}\nDumping trace:\n", .{err});

View File

@ -1,11 +1,44 @@
const std = @import("std"); const std = @import("std");
const http = std.http; const http = std.http;
const zx = @import("../zx.zig"); const zx = @import("../zx.zig");
const log = std.log.scoped(.index);
pub fn getIndex(ctz: *zx.ZxContext) zx.ZxError!void { pub fn getZig(ctz: *zx.ZxContext) zx.ZxError!void {
ctz.json(.{ .success = true, .message = "hello did you get this?", .age = 1 }) catch |err| { ctz.html(
std.debug.print("Got error {any}\n", .{err}); \\<ul>
\\<li>Zig is awesome</li>
\\<li>Zig runs everywhere</li>
\\<li>Zig has a cool name</li>
, .ok) catch |err| {
log.err("Got error {any}\n", .{err});
return zx.ZxError.Unexpected; return zx.ZxError.Unexpected;
}; };
return; return;
} }
const ZigPost = struct {
id: u32,
name: []const u8,
pub fn postZig(ctz: *zx.ZxContext) zx.ZxError!void {
if (ctz.req_body.len > 0) {
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
var json_body = std.json.parseFromSliceLeaky(ZigPost, arena.allocator(), ctz.req_body, .{}) catch |err| {
log.err("Error while parsing json: {any}", .{err});
return zx.ZxError.Unexpected;
log.info("Got id {d} name {s}", .{ json_body.id, json_body.name });
try ctz.json(.{ .success = true }, .ok);
} else {
ctz.json(.{ .success = false, .message = "Invalid request" }, .bad_request) catch |err| {
log.err("Got error {any}\n", .{err});
return zx.ZxError.Unexpected;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
const std = @import("std"); const std = @import("std");
const options = @import("options"); const options = @import("options");
const zx_utils = @import("htzx/utils.zig");
const markup_files = options.markup_files;
const http = std.http; const http = std.http;
const log = std.log.scoped(.server); const log = std.log.scoped(.server);
const zx_utils = @import("htzx/utils.zig");
const MethodRoute = @import("htzx/method_route.zig").MethodRoute;
const RouteContext = @import("htzx/method_route.zig").RouteContext;
const validators = @import("htzx/validators.zig");
const HtmlValidator = validators.HtmlValidator;
const markup_files = options.markup_files;
// Types
const string = []const u8; const string = []const u8;
pub const ZxRouteFn = *const fn (*ZxContext) ZxError!void;
const server_addr = ""; const server_addr = "";
const server_port = 8000; const server_port = 8000;
@ -18,19 +27,17 @@ pub const ZxError = error{
Unexpected, Unexpected,
}; };
pub const ZxRouteFn = *const fn (*ZxContext) ZxError!void;
pub const Zx = struct { pub const Zx = struct {
server: http.Server, server: http.Server,
allocator: std.mem.Allocator, allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
routes: std.StringArrayHashMap(ZxRouteFn), routes: std.ArrayHashMap(MethodRoute, ZxRouteFn, RouteContext, true),
html_files_map: std.StringArrayHashMap(string), html_files_map: std.StringArrayHashMap(string),
pub fn init( pub fn init(
allocator: std.mem.Allocator, allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
) Zx { ) Zx {
var server = http.Server.init(allocator, .{ .reuse_address = true }); var server = http.Server.init(allocator, .{ .reuse_address = true });
var routes = std.StringArrayHashMap(ZxRouteFn).init(allocator); var routes = std.ArrayHashMap(MethodRoute, ZxRouteFn, RouteContext, true).init(allocator);
var html_files_map = std.StringArrayHashMap(string).init(allocator); var html_files_map = std.StringArrayHashMap(string).init(allocator);
return .{ .server = server, .allocator = allocator, .routes = routes, .html_files_map = html_files_map }; return .{ .server = server, .allocator = allocator, .routes = routes, .html_files_map = html_files_map };
} }
@ -40,20 +47,19 @@ pub const Zx = struct {
zx.routes.deinit(); zx.routes.deinit();
// free html file content values // free html file content values
for (zx.html_files_map.keys()) |key| { zx.allocator.free(zx.html_files_map.keys());
var entry = zx.html_files_map.getEntry(key); zx.allocator.free(zx.html_files_map.values());
zx.allocator.free(entry.?.value_ptr); // for (zx.html_files_map.keys()) |key| {
} // var entry = zx.html_files_map.getEntry(key);
// zx.allocator.destroy(entry.?.value_ptr);
// }
zx.html_files_map.deinit(); zx.html_files_map.deinit();
} }
pub fn runServer(zx: *Zx) !void { pub fn runServer(zx: *Zx) !void {
log.info("Server is running at {s}:{d}", .{ server_addr, server_port }); log.info("Server is running at {s}:{d}", .{ server_addr, server_port });
for (markup_files) |file| { zx.html_files_map = try zx_utils.open_validate_html_load(zx.allocator, markup_files);
log.info("{s}", .{file});
zx.html_files_map = try zx_utils.open_html_load(zx.allocator, markup_files);
// Parse the server address. // Parse the server address.
const address = try std.net.Address.parseIp(server_addr, server_port); const address = try std.net.Address.parseIp(server_addr, server_port);
@ -80,13 +86,15 @@ pub const Zx = struct {
} }
} }
pub fn POST(comptime path: string, handler: ZxRouteFn) void { pub fn POST(zx: *Zx, path: string, handler: ZxRouteFn) ZxError!void {
_ = handler; zx.routes.putNoClobber(MethodRoute.create(.POST, path), handler) catch |err| {
_ = path; std.debug.print("{any}\nCant add another route at {s}\n", .{ err, path });
return ZxError.RedefinedRoute;
} }
pub fn GET(zx: *Zx, comptime path: string, handler: ZxRouteFn) ZxError!void { pub fn GET(zx: *Zx, path: string, handler: ZxRouteFn) ZxError!void {
zx.routes.putNoClobber(path, handler) catch |err| { zx.routes.putNoClobber(MethodRoute.create(.GET, path), handler) catch |err| {
std.debug.print("{any}\nCant add another route at {s}\n", .{ err, path }); std.debug.print("{any}\nCant add another route at {s}\n", .{ err, path });
return ZxError.RedefinedRoute; return ZxError.RedefinedRoute;
}; };
@ -124,22 +132,27 @@ pub const Zx = struct {
if (response.request.method != .HEAD) { if (response.request.method != .HEAD) {
var ctz = ZxContext.init(allocator, response, body); var ctz = ZxContext.init(allocator, response, body);
// Check to return html from lib/
if (response.request.method == .GET and zx.has_html_route(response.request.target)) { if (response.request.method == .GET and zx.has_html_route(response.request.target)) {
log.info("Returning html file at {s}...", .{response.request.target});
try zx.return_html(&ctz); try zx.return_html(&ctz);
} else { } else {
var handler = zx.routes.get(response.request.target); var handler = zx.routes.get(ctz.method_route);
if (handler) |h| { if (handler) |h| {
h(&ctz) catch |err| { h(&ctz) catch |err| {
errorHandler(response, err); log.err("Caught error handling route {any}", .{err});
errorHandler(response, .internal_server_error);
}; };
} else { } else {
std.debug.print("No route defined for {s}\n", .{response.request.target}); log.warn("No route defined for {s}\n", .{response.request.target});
response.status = .not_found; response.status = .not_found;
response.do() catch return ZxError.DoError; response.do() catch return ZxError.DoError;
} }
} }
// if (response.state != .responded) {
// errorHandler(response, );
// }
response.finish() catch |err| { response.finish() catch |err| {
log.err("Got finish error {any}\n", .{err}); log.err("Got finish error {any}\n", .{err});
return ZxError.FinishError; return ZxError.FinishError;
@ -151,63 +164,106 @@ pub const Zx = struct {
} }
fn has_html_route(zx: *Zx, route_target: string) bool { fn has_html_route(zx: *Zx, route_target: string) bool {
// for (zx.html_files_map.keys()) |key| {
// log.info("html route at {s}", .{key});
// }
return zx.html_files_map.contains(route_target); return zx.html_files_map.contains(route_target);
} }
fn return_html(zx: *Zx, ctz: *ZxContext) ZxError!void { fn return_html(zx: *Zx, ctz: *ZxContext) ZxError!void {
var html = zx.html_files_map.get(ctz.response.request.target).?; var html = zx.html_files_map.get(ctz.response.request.target).?;
try ctz.html(html); try ctz.html_dynamic(html, .ok);
} }
fn errorHandler(response: *http.Server.Response, err: ZxError) void { fn errorHandler(response: *http.Server.Response, status: ?http.Status) void {
log.err("Got error while handling route {any}\n", .{err}); if (status) |stat| {
response.status = stat;
} else {
response.status = .internal_server_error; response.status = .internal_server_error;
} }
if (response.state == .waited) {
response.do() catch {
log.err("Already responded to client, cannot send error {any}", .{response.status});
}; };
pub const ZxContext = struct { pub const ZxContext = struct {
allocator: std.mem.Allocator, allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
response: *http.Server.Response, response: *http.Server.Response,
req_body: string, req_body: string,
method_route: MethodRoute,
pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, res: *http.Server.Response, body: string) ZxContext { pub fn init(alloc: std.mem.Allocator, res: *http.Server.Response, body: string) ZxContext {
var method_route = MethodRoute.create(res.request.method, res.request.target);
return ZxContext{ return ZxContext{
.allocator = alloc, .allocator = alloc,
.response = res, .response = res,
.req_body = body, .req_body = body,
.method_route = method_route,
}; };
} }
/// Helper function to return JSON to the client /// Wrapper on ZxContext.respond() to return JSON to the client
pub fn json(ctz: *ZxContext, content: anytype) ZxError!void { pub fn json(ctz: *ZxContext, content: anytype, status: ?std.http.Status) ZxError!void {
// Add json header // Add json header
ctz.response.headers.append("Content-Type", "application/json") catch return ZxError.Unexpected; ctz.response.headers.append("Content-Type", "application/json") catch return ZxError.Unexpected;
const json_content = std.json.stringifyAlloc(ctz.allocator, content, .{}) catch return ZxError.OutOfMemory; const json_content = std.json.stringifyAlloc(ctz.allocator, content, .{}) catch return ZxError.OutOfMemory;
defer ctz.allocator.free(json_content); defer ctz.allocator.free(json_content);
try ctz.respond(json_content); try ctz.respond(json_content, status);
} }
test "json helper function" {} test "json helper function" {}
pub fn html(ctz: *ZxContext, html_content: string) ZxError!void { /// Wrapper on ZxContext.respond() to return html
pub fn html_dynamic(ctz: *ZxContext, html_content: string, status: std.http.Status) ZxError!void {
var valid = HtmlValidator.validate(html_content);
if (!valid) {
log.err("Invalid html returned from route", .{});
// Add html header // Add html header
ctz.response.headers.append("Content-Type", "text/html") catch return ZxError.Unexpected; ctz.response.headers.append("Content-Type", "text/html") catch return ZxError.Unexpected;
try ctz.respond(html_content); try ctz.respond(html_content, status);
} }
// Helper function to return body to the client /// Wrapper on ZxContext.respond() to return html, compile-time checked html
pub fn respond(ctz: *ZxContext, body: string) ZxError!void { pub fn html(ctz: *ZxContext, comptime html_content: string, status: std.http.Status) ZxError!void {
comptime {
var valid = HtmlValidator.comp_validate(html_content);
if (!valid) {
@compileError("Trying to return invalid html\n" ++ html_content);
// Add html header
ctz.response.headers.append("Content-Type", "text/html") catch |err| {
log.err("{any} while appending headers to html response", .{err});
return ZxError.Unexpected;
try ctz.respond(html_content, status);
/// Helper function to return `body` and optional `status` to the client
pub fn respond(ctz: *ZxContext, body: string, status: ?std.http.Status) ZxError!void {
if (!ctz.response.headers.contains("Content-Type")) { if (!ctz.response.headers.contains("Content-Type")) {
ctz.response.headers.append("Content-Type", "text/html") catch return ZxError.Unexpected; ctz.response.headers.append("Content-Type", "text/html") catch return ZxError.Unexpected;
} }
if (status) |stat| {
ctz.response.status = stat;
ctz.response.transfer_encoding = .{ .content_length = body.len }; ctz.response.transfer_encoding = .{ .content_length = body.len };
// Send headers // Send headers
ctz.response.do() catch return ZxError.DoError; ctz.response.do() catch return ZxError.DoError;
// Send html body // Send html body
ctz.response.writeAll(body) catch return ZxError.Unexpected; ctz.response.writeAll(body) catch |err| {
log.err("{any} while writing to response body", .{err});
return ZxError.Unexpected;
} }
}; };