baseURL: languageCode: en-us title: Foss Cat theme: "PaperMod" params: env: production defaultTheme: dark homeInfoParams: Title: Hello weary traveler Content: This is my personal blog. I write about open source, technology, philosophy, digital privacy, and whatever else is pressing on my mind ShowShareButtons: false ShowReadingTime: true ShowToc: true ShowBreadCrumbs: true ShowCodeCopyButtons: true author: Tom Cat fuseOpts: # This modifies search params isCaseSensitive: false shouldSort: true location: 0 distance: 1000 threshold: 0.4 minMatchCharLength: 2 keys: ["title", "permalink", "summary", "tags", "content"] assets: disableHLJS: true cover: responsiveImages: true # disable to speed up build times at cost of responsive sizes outputs: home: - HTML - RSS - JSON menu: main: - identifier: search name: search url: /search/ weight: 1 - identifier: tags name: tags url: /tags/ weight: 2 taxonomies: tag: tags markup: highlight: tabWidth: 2 codeFences: true guessSyntax: true lineNos: false noClasses: false style: dracula