A failing spec'd out bitcask, a start of something fun :)

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Nathan Anderson 2023-02-16 02:26:41 -07:00
commit e10a9e311f
5 changed files with 208 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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README.md Normal file
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# Bitcask - A Simple KV datastore
Do it simply and do it well.
## The Bitcask paper

build.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn build(b: *std.build.Builder) void {
// Standard target options allows the person running `zig build` to choose
// what target to build for. Here we do not override the defaults, which
// means any target is allowed, and the default is native. Other options
// for restricting supported target set are available.
const target = b.standardTargetOptions(.{});
// Standard release options allow the person running `zig build` to select
// between Debug, ReleaseSafe, ReleaseFast, and ReleaseSmall.
const mode = b.standardReleaseOptions();
const exe = b.addExecutable("bitcask", "src/main.zig");
const run_cmd = exe.run();
if (b.args) |args| {
const run_step = b.step("run", "Run the app");
const exe_tests = b.addTest("src/main.zig");
const test_step = b.step("test", "Run unit tests");

src/Bitcask/bitcask.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
const std = @import("std");
const expect = std.testing.expect;
pub const BitcaskFileError = error{
pub const BitCask = struct {
// std.StringArrayHashMap
// From the Bitcask paper, the API should look something like this
//** TODO
// What is the BitcaskHandel? How can I represent it?
// Implement opening and closing files
// Impement the spec
// ***
// bitcask:open(DirectoryName, Opts) Open a new or existing Bitcask datastore with additional options.
// BitCaskHandle | {error, any()} Valid options include read write (if this process is going to be a
// writer and not just a reader) and sync on put (if this writer would
// prefer to sync the write file after every write operation).
// The directory must be readable and writable by this process, and
// only one process may open a Bitcask with read write at a time.
// bitcask:open(DirectoryName) Open a new or existing Bitcask datastore for read-only access.
// BitCaskHandle | {error, any()} The directory and all files in it must be readable by this process.
fn open(directory_name: []const u8) BitcaskFileError!void {
std.debug.print("Opening bitcask in dir {s}\n", .{directory_name});
return error.FileNotFound;
// bitcask:get(BitCaskHandle, Key) Retrieve a value by key from a Bitcask datastore.
// not found | {ok, Value}
fn get(key: []const u8) error{NotImplemented}!void {
std.debug.print("Getting value with key {s}\n", .{key});
return error.NotImplemented;
// bitcask:put(BitCaskHandle, Key, Value) Store a key and value in a Bitcask datastore.
// ok | {error, any()}
fn put() error{NotImplemented}!void {
return error.NotImplemented;
// bitcask:delete(BitCaskHandle, Key) Delete a key from a Bitcask datastore.
// ok | {error, any()}
fn delete() error{NotImplemented}!void {
return error.NotImplemented;
// bitcask:list keys(BitCaskHandle) List all keys in a Bitcask datastore.
// [Key] | {error, any()}
fn list() error{NotImplemented}!void {
return error.NotImplemented;
// bitcask:fold(BitCaskHandle,Fun,Acc0) Fold over all K/V pairs in a Bitcask datastore.
// Acc Fun is expected to be of the form: F(K,V,Acc0) Acc.
fn fold() error{NotImplemented}!void {
return error.NotImplemented;
// bitcask:merge(DirectoryName) Merge several data files within a Bitcask datastore into a more
// ok | {error, any()} compact form. Also, produce hintfiles for faster startup.
fn merge() error{NotImplemented}!void {
return error.NotImplemented;
// bitcask:sync(BitCaskHandle) Force any writes to sync to disk.
// ok
fn sync() error{NotImplemented}!void {
return error.NotImplemented;
// bitcask:close(BitCaskHandle) Close a Bitcask data store and flush all pending writes (if any) to disk
fn close() error{NotImplemented}!void {
return error.NotImplemented;
test "Bitcask spec implementation: open" {
const bc = BitCask;
try bc.open("File");
// bc.open("File") catch |err| {
// try expect(err == error.FileNotFound);
// };
test "Bitcask spec implementation: get" {
const bc = BitCask;
try bc.get("key");
test "Bitcask spec implementation: put" {
const bc = BitCask;
try bc.put();
test "Bitcask spec implementation: delete" {
const bc = BitCask;
try bc.delete();
test "Bitcask spec implementation: list" {
const bc = BitCask;
try bc.list();
test "Bitcask spec implementation: fold" {
const bc = BitCask;
try bc.fold();
test "Bitcask spec implementation: merge" {
const bc = BitCask;
try bc.merge();
test "Bitcask spec implementation: sync" {
const bc = BitCask;
try bc.merge();
test "Bitcask spec implementation: close" {
const bc = BitCask;
try bc.close();

src/main.zig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
const std = @import("std");
pub fn main() !void {
// Prints to stderr (it's a shortcut based on `std.io.getStdErr()`)
std.debug.print("All your {s} are belong to us.\n", .{"codebase"});
// stdout is for the actual output of your application, for example if you
// are implementing gzip, then only the compressed bytes should be sent to
// stdout, not any debugging messages.
const stdout_file = std.io.getStdOut().writer();
var bw = std.io.bufferedWriter(stdout_file);
const stdout = bw.writer();
try stdout.print("Run `zig build test` to run the tests.\n", .{});
try bw.flush(); // don't forget to flush!
test "simple test" {
var list = std.ArrayList(i32).init(std.testing.allocator);
defer list.deinit(); // try commenting this out and see if zig detects the memory leak!
try list.append(42);
try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(i32, 42), list.pop());