import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; class CardDetails { CardDetails({ required dynamic cardNumber, required String? securityCode, required this.expirationString, required this.postalCode, }) : _cardNumber = cardNumber { this.securityCode = int.tryParse(securityCode ?? ''); checkIsValid(); } factory CardDetails.blank() { return CardDetails(cardNumber: null, securityCode: null, expirationString: null, postalCode: null); } String? get cardNumber => _cardNumber?.replaceAll(' ', ''); set cardNumber(String? num) => _cardNumber = num; String? _cardNumber; int? securityCode; String? postalCode; String? expirationString; DateTime? expirationDate; bool _complete = false; ValidState _validState = ValidState.blank; int _lastCheckHash = 0; CardProvider? provider; ValidState get validState { checkIsValid(); return _validState; } bool get cardNumberFilled => _cardNumber == null ? false : (provider?.cardLength ?? 16) == _cardNumber!.replaceAll(' ', '').length; bool get isComplete { checkIsValid(); return _complete; } int get minInnLength => 1; int get maxINNLength => 4; void checkIsValid() { try { int currentHash = hash; if (currentHash == _lastCheckHash) { return; } _lastCheckHash = currentHash; if (_cardNumber == null && expirationString == null && securityCode == null && postalCode == null) { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.blank; return; } final nums = _cardNumber! .replaceAll(' ', '') .split('') .map( (i) => int.parse(i), ) .toList(); if (!luhnAlgorithmCheck(nums)) { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.invalidCard; return; } if (_cardNumber == null || !cardNumberFilled) { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.missingCard; return; } if (expirationString == null) { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.missingDate; return; } final expSplits = expirationString!.split('/'); if (expSplits.length != 2 || expSplits.last == '') { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.missingDate; return; } final month = int.parse(expSplits.first[0] == '0' ? expSplits.first[1] : expSplits.first); if (month < 1 || month > 12) { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.invalidMonth; return; } final year = 2000 + int.parse(expSplits.last); final date = DateTime(year, month); if (date.isBefore( { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.dateTooEarly; return; } else if (date.isAfter( Duration(days: 365 * 50)))) { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.dateTooLate; return; } expirationDate = date; if (securityCode == null) { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.missingCVC; return; } if (postalCode == null) { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.missingZip; return; } if (!RegExp(r'^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$').hasMatch(postalCode!)) { _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.invalidZip; return; } _complete = true; _validState = ValidState.ok; } catch (err, st) { if (kDebugMode) { print('Error while validating CardDetails: $err\n$st'); } _complete = false; _validState = ValidState.error; } } int get hash { return Object.hash(_cardNumber, expirationString, securityCode, postalCode); } void detectCardProvider() { bool found = false; if (_cardNumber == null) { return; } for (var cardPvd in providers) { if (cardPvd.innValidNums != null) { // trim card number to correct length String trimmedNum = _cardNumber!; String innNumStr = '${cardPvd.innValidNums!.first}'; if (trimmedNum.length > innNumStr.length) { trimmedNum = trimmedNum.substring(0, innNumStr.length); } final num = int.tryParse(trimmedNum); if (num == null) continue; if (cardPvd.innValidNums!.contains(num)) { provider = cardPvd; found = true; break; } } if (cardPvd.innValidRanges != null) { // trim card number to correct length String trimmedNum = _cardNumber!; String innNumStr = '${cardPvd.innValidRanges!.first.low}'; if (trimmedNum.length > innNumStr.length) { trimmedNum = trimmedNum.substring(0, innNumStr.length); } final num = int.tryParse(trimmedNum); if (num == null) continue; if (cardPvd.innValidRanges!.any((range) => range.isWithin(num))) { provider = cardPvd; found = true; break; } } } if (!found) provider = null; } @override String toString() { return 'Number: "$_cardNumber" - Exp: "$expirationString" CVC: $securityCode Zip: "$postalCode"'; } } enum ValidState { ok, error, blank, missingCard, invalidCard, missingDate, invalidMonth, dateTooEarly, dateTooLate, missingCVC, invalidCVC, missingZip, invalidZip, } enum CardProviderID { americanExpress, dinersClub, discoverCard, mastercard, jcb, visa, } class CardProvider { CardProviderID id; List? innValidNums; List? innValidRanges; int cardLength; int cvcLength; CardProvider( {required, required this.cardLength, required this.cvcLength, this.innValidNums, this.innValidRanges}) { // Must provide one or the other assert(innValidNums != null || innValidRanges != null); // Do not provide empty list of valid nums assert(innValidNums == null || innValidNums!.isNotEmpty); } @override String toString() { return id.toString(); } } class Range { int high; int low; Range({required this.low, required this.high}) { assert(low <= high); } bool isWithin(int val) { return low <= val && val <= high; } } List providers = [ CardProvider( id: CardProviderID.americanExpress, cardLength: 15, cvcLength: 4, innValidNums: [34, 37], ), CardProvider( id: CardProviderID.dinersClub, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, innValidNums: [30, 36, 38, 39], ), CardProvider( id: CardProviderID.discoverCard, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, innValidNums: [60, 65], innValidRanges: [Range(low: 644, high: 649)], ), CardProvider( id:, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, innValidNums: [35], ), CardProvider( id: CardProviderID.mastercard, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, innValidRanges: [Range(low: 22, high: 27), Range(low: 51, high: 55)], ), CardProvider( id:, cardLength: 16, cvcLength: 3, innValidNums: [4], ) ]; // // The Luhn algorithm is used in industry to check // for valid credit / debit card numbers // // The algorithm adds together all the numbers, every // other number is doubled, then the sum is checked to // see if it is a multiple of 10. bool luhnAlgorithmCheck(List digits) { int sum = 0; bool isSecond = false; for (int i = digits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int d = digits[i]; if (isSecond) { d *= 2; if (d > 9) { d -= 9; } } sum += d; isSecond = !isSecond; } return (sum % 10) == 0; }