library stripe_native_card_field; import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:flutter/services.dart'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http; import 'card_details.dart'; import 'card_provider_icon.dart'; /// Enum to track each step of the card detail /// entry process. enum CardEntryStep { number, exp, cvc, postal } // enum LoadingLocation { ontop, rightInside } /// A uniform text field for entering card details, based /// on the behavior of Stripe's various html elements. /// /// Required `width`. /// /// If the provided `width < 450.0`, the `CardTextField` /// will scroll its content horizontally with the cursor /// to compensate. class CardTextField extends StatefulWidget { CardTextField({ Key? key, this.onStripeResponse, this.onCardDetailsComplete, required this.width, this.stripePublishableKey, this.height, this.textStyle, this.hintTextStyle, this.errorTextStyle, this.boxDecoration, this.errorBoxDecoration, this.loadingWidget, this.delayToShowLoading = const Duration(milliseconds: 750), this.overrideValidState, this.errorText, // this.loadingWidgetLocation = LoadingLocation.rightInside, }) : super(key: key) { if (stripePublishableKey != null) { assert(stripePublishableKey!.startsWith('pk_')); if (kReleaseMode && !stripePublishableKey!.startsWith('pk_live_')) { print('StripeNativeCardField: *WARN* You are not using a live publishableKey in production.'); } else if ((kDebugMode || kProfileMode) && stripePublishableKey!.startsWith('pk_live_')) { print( 'StripeNativeCardField: *WARN* You are using a live stripe key in a debug environment, proceed with caution!'); print('StripeNativeCardField: *WARN* Ideally you should be using your test keys whenever not in production.'); } } else { if (onStripeResponse != null) { print( 'StripeNativeCardField: *ERROR* You provided the onTokenReceived callback, but did not provide a stripePublishableKey.'); assert(false); } } } /// Overrides the default box decoration of the text field final BoxDecoration? boxDecoration; /// Overrides the default box decoration of the text field when there is a validation error final BoxDecoration? errorBoxDecoration; /// Width of the entire CardTextField final double width; /// Height of the entire CardTextField final double? height; /// Stripe publishable key, starts with 'pk_' final String? stripePublishableKey; /// Shown and overrides CircularProgressIndicator() if the request to stripe takes longer than `delayToShowLoading` final Widget? loadingWidget; /// Default TextStyle final TextStyle? textStyle; /// Default TextStyle for the hint text in each TextFormField final TextStyle? hintTextStyle; /// TextStyle used when any TextFormField's have a validation error final TextStyle? errorTextStyle; /// Time to wait until showing the loading indicator when retrieving Stripe token final Duration delayToShowLoading; /// Determines where the loading indicator appears when contacting stripe // final LoadingLocation loadingWidgetLocation; /// Callback that returns the stripe token for the card final void Function(Map)? onStripeResponse; /// Callback that returns the completed CardDetails object final void Function(CardDetails)? onCardDetailsComplete; /// Can manually override the ValidState to surface errors returned from Stripe final ValidState? overrideValidState; /// Can manually override the errorText displayed to surface errors returned from Stripe final String? errorText; @override State createState() => CardTextFieldState(); } /// State Widget for CardTextField /// Should not be used directly, create a /// `CardTextField()` instead. @visibleForTesting class CardTextFieldState extends State { late TextEditingController _cardNumberController; late TextEditingController _expirationController; late TextEditingController _securityCodeController; late TextEditingController _postalCodeController; // Not made private for access in widget tests late FocusNode cardNumberFocusNode; late FocusNode expirationFocusNode; late FocusNode securityCodeFocusNode; late FocusNode postalCodeFocusNode; // Not made private for access in widget tests late final bool isWideFormat; // Widget configurable styles late final BoxDecoration _normalBoxDecoration; late final BoxDecoration _errorBoxDecoration; late final TextStyle _errorTextStyle; late final TextStyle _normalTextStyle; late final TextStyle _hintTextSyle; final double _cardFieldWidth = 180.0; final double _expirationFieldWidth = 70.0; final double _securityFieldWidth = 40.0; final double _postalFieldWidth = 95.0; late final double _internalFieldWidth; late final double _expanderWidthExpanded; late final double _expanderWidthContracted; String? _validationErrorText; bool _showBorderError = false; bool _loading = false; final CardDetails _cardDetails = CardDetails.blank(); int _prevErrorOverrideHash = 0; final _currentCardEntryStepController = StreamController(); final _horizontalScrollController = ScrollController(); CardEntryStep _currentStep = CardEntryStep.number; final _formFieldKey = GlobalKey(); @override void initState() { _cardNumberController = TextEditingController(); _expirationController = TextEditingController(); _securityCodeController = TextEditingController(); _postalCodeController = TextEditingController(); cardNumberFocusNode = FocusNode(); expirationFocusNode = FocusNode(); securityCodeFocusNode = FocusNode(); postalCodeFocusNode = FocusNode(); _errorTextStyle = const TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 14, inherit: true).merge(widget.errorTextStyle); _normalTextStyle = const TextStyle(color: Colors.black87, fontSize: 14, inherit: true).merge(widget.textStyle); _hintTextSyle = const TextStyle(color: Colors.black54, fontSize: 14, inherit: true).merge(widget.hintTextStyle); _normalBoxDecoration = BoxDecoration( color: const Color(0xfff6f9fc), border: Border.all( color: const Color(0xffdde0e3), width: 2.0, ), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0), ).copyWith( backgroundBlendMode: widget.boxDecoration?.backgroundBlendMode, border: widget.boxDecoration?.border, borderRadius: widget.boxDecoration?.borderRadius, boxShadow: widget.boxDecoration?.boxShadow, color: widget.boxDecoration?.color, gradient: widget.boxDecoration?.gradient, image: widget.boxDecoration?.image, shape: widget.boxDecoration?.shape, ); _errorBoxDecoration = BoxDecoration( color: const Color(0xfff6f9fc), border: Border.all( color:, width: 2.0, ), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(8.0), ).copyWith( backgroundBlendMode: widget.errorBoxDecoration?.backgroundBlendMode, border: widget.errorBoxDecoration?.border, borderRadius: widget.errorBoxDecoration?.borderRadius, boxShadow: widget.errorBoxDecoration?.boxShadow, color: widget.errorBoxDecoration?.color, gradient: widget.errorBoxDecoration?.gradient, image: widget.errorBoxDecoration?.image, shape: widget.errorBoxDecoration?.shape, ); _onStepChange, ); RawKeyboard.instance.addListener(_backspaceTransitionListener); isWideFormat = widget.width >= 450; if (isWideFormat) { _internalFieldWidth = widget.width + _postalFieldWidth + 35; _expanderWidthExpanded = widget.width - _cardFieldWidth - _expirationFieldWidth - _securityFieldWidth - 35; _expanderWidthContracted = widget.width - _cardFieldWidth - _expirationFieldWidth - _securityFieldWidth - _postalFieldWidth - 70; } else { _internalFieldWidth = _cardFieldWidth + _expirationFieldWidth + _securityFieldWidth + _postalFieldWidth + 80; } super.initState(); } @override void dispose() { _cardNumberController.dispose(); _expirationController.dispose(); _securityCodeController.dispose(); cardNumberFocusNode.dispose(); expirationFocusNode.dispose(); securityCodeFocusNode.dispose(); RawKeyboard.instance.removeListener(_backspaceTransitionListener); super.dispose(); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { if ((widget.errorText != null || widget.overrideValidState != null) && Object.hashAll([widget.errorText, widget.overrideValidState]) != _prevErrorOverrideHash) { _prevErrorOverrideHash = Object.hashAll([widget.errorText, widget.overrideValidState]); _validateFields(); } return Column( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Form( key: _formFieldKey, child: GestureDetector( onTap: () { // Focuses to the current field _currentCardEntryStepController.add(_currentStep); }, child: Container( width: widget.width, height: widget.height ?? 60.0, decoration: _showBorderError ? _errorBoxDecoration : _normalBoxDecoration, child: ClipRect( child: IgnorePointer( child: SingleChildScrollView( controller: _horizontalScrollController, scrollDirection: Axis.horizontal, child: SizedBox( width: _internalFieldWidth, height: widget.height ?? 60.0, child: Row( crossAxisAlignment:, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(horizontal: 6.0), child: CardProviderIcon( cardDetails: _cardDetails, ), ), SizedBox( width: _cardFieldWidth, child: TextFormField( key: const Key('card_field'), focusNode: cardNumberFocusNode, controller: _cardNumberController, keyboardType: TextInputType.number, style: _isRedText([ValidState.invalidCard, ValidState.missingCard, ValidState.blank]) ? _errorTextStyle : _normalTextStyle, validator: (content) { if (content == null || content.isEmpty) { return null; } _cardDetails.cardNumber = content; if (_cardDetails.validState == ValidState.invalidCard) { _setValidationState('Your card number is invalid.'); } else if (_cardDetails.validState == ValidState.missingCard) { _setValidationState('Your card number is incomplete.'); } return null; }, onChanged: (str) { final numbers = str.replaceAll(' ', ''); setState(() => _cardDetails.cardNumber = numbers); if (str.length <= _cardDetails.maxINNLength) { _cardDetails.detectCardProvider(); } if (numbers.length == 16) { _currentCardEntryStepController.add(CardEntryStep.exp); } }, onFieldSubmitted: (_) => _currentCardEntryStepController.add(CardEntryStep.exp), inputFormatters: [ LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(19), FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp('[0-9 ]')), CardNumberInputFormatter(), ], decoration: InputDecoration( hintText: 'Card number', contentPadding:, hintStyle: _hintTextSyle, fillColor: Colors.transparent, border: InputBorder.none, ), ), ), if (isWideFormat) Flexible( fit: FlexFit.loose, // fit: _currentStep == CardEntryStep.number ? FlexFit.loose : FlexFit.tight, child: AnimatedContainer( curve: Curves.easeInOut, duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 400), constraints: _currentStep == CardEntryStep.number ? BoxConstraints.loose( Size(_expanderWidthExpanded, 0.0), ) : BoxConstraints.tight( Size(_expanderWidthContracted, 0.0), ), ), ), // Spacer(flex: _currentStep == CardEntryStep.number ? 100 : 1), SizedBox( width: _expirationFieldWidth, child: TextFormField( key: const Key('expiration_field'), focusNode: expirationFocusNode, controller: _expirationController, style: _isRedText([ ValidState.dateTooLate, ValidState.dateTooEarly, ValidState.missingDate, ValidState.invalidMonth ]) ? _errorTextStyle : _normalTextStyle, validator: (content) { if (content == null || content.isEmpty) { return null; } setState(() => _cardDetails.expirationString = content); if (_cardDetails.validState == ValidState.dateTooEarly) { _setValidationState('Your card\'s expiration date is in the past.'); } else if (_cardDetails.validState == ValidState.dateTooLate) { _setValidationState('Your card\'s expiration year is invalid.'); } else if (_cardDetails.validState == ValidState.missingDate) { _setValidationState('You must include your card\'s expiration date.'); } else if (_cardDetails.validState == ValidState.invalidMonth) { _setValidationState('Your card\'s expiration month is invalid.'); } return null; }, onChanged: (str) { setState(() => _cardDetails.expirationString = str); if (str.length == 5) { _currentCardEntryStepController.add(CardEntryStep.cvc); } }, onFieldSubmitted: (_) => _currentCardEntryStepController.add(CardEntryStep.cvc), inputFormatters: [ LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(5), FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp('[0-9/]')), CardExpirationFormatter(), ], decoration: InputDecoration( contentPadding:, hintText: 'MM/YY', hintStyle: _hintTextSyle, fillColor: Colors.transparent, border: InputBorder.none, ), ), ), SizedBox( width: _securityFieldWidth, child: TextFormField( key: const Key('security_field'), focusNode: securityCodeFocusNode, controller: _securityCodeController, style: _isRedText([ValidState.invalidCVC, ValidState.missingCVC]) ? _errorTextStyle : _normalTextStyle, validator: (content) { if (content == null || content.isEmpty) { return null; } setState(() => _cardDetails.securityCode = content); if (_cardDetails.validState == ValidState.invalidCVC) { _setValidationState('Your card\'s security code is invalid.'); } else if (_cardDetails.validState == ValidState.missingCVC) { _setValidationState('Your card\'s security code is incomplete.'); } return null; }, onFieldSubmitted: (_) => _currentCardEntryStepController.add(CardEntryStep.postal), onChanged: (str) { setState(() => _cardDetails.expirationString = str); if (str.length == _cardDetails.provider?.cvcLength) { _currentCardEntryStepController.add(CardEntryStep.postal); } }, inputFormatters: [ LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter( _cardDetails.provider == null ? 4 : _cardDetails.provider!.cvcLength), FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp('[0-9]')), ], decoration: InputDecoration( contentPadding:, hintText: 'CVC', hintStyle: _hintTextSyle, fillColor: Colors.transparent, border: InputBorder.none, ), ), ), SizedBox( width: _postalFieldWidth, child: TextFormField( key: const Key('postal_field'), focusNode: postalCodeFocusNode, controller: _postalCodeController, style: _isRedText([ValidState.invalidZip, ValidState.missingZip]) ? _errorTextStyle : _normalTextStyle, validator: (content) { if (content == null || content.isEmpty) { return null; } setState(() => _cardDetails.postalCode = content); if (_cardDetails.validState == ValidState.invalidZip) { _setValidationState('The postal code you entered is not correct.'); } else if (_cardDetails.validState == ValidState.missingZip) { _setValidationState('You must enter your card\'s postal code.'); } return null; }, onChanged: (str) { setState(() => _cardDetails.postalCode = str); }, textInputAction: TextInputAction.done, onFieldSubmitted: (_) async { _validateFields(); if (_cardDetails.isComplete) { if (widget.onCardDetailsComplete != null) { widget.onCardDetailsComplete!(_cardDetails); } else if (widget.onStripeResponse != null) { bool returned = false; Future.delayed( const Duration(milliseconds: 750), () => returned ? null : setState(() => _loading = true), ); const stripeCardUrl = ''; final response = await Uri.parse(stripeCardUrl), body: { 'card[number]': _cardDetails.cardNumber, 'card[cvc]': _cardDetails.securityCode, 'card[exp_month]': _cardDetails.expMonth, 'card[exp_year]': _cardDetails.expYear, 'card[address_zip]': _cardDetails.postalCode, 'key': widget.stripePublishableKey, }, headers: {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}, ); returned = true; final jsonBody = jsonDecode(response.body); widget.onStripeResponse!(jsonBody); if (_loading) setState(() => _loading = false); } } }, decoration: InputDecoration( contentPadding:, hintText: 'Postal Code', hintStyle: _hintTextSyle, fillColor: Colors.transparent, border: InputBorder.none, ), ), ), AnimatedOpacity( duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 300), opacity: _loading ? 1.0 : 0.0, child: widget.loadingWidget ?? const CircularProgressIndicator(), ), ], ), ), ), ), ), ), ), ), AnimatedOpacity( duration: const Duration(milliseconds: 525), opacity: _validationErrorText == null ? 0.0 : 1.0, child: Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.only(top: 8.0, left: 14.0), child: Text( _validationErrorText ?? '', style: const TextStyle(color:, ), ), ), ], ); } /// Provided a list of `ValidState`, returns whether /// make the text field red bool _isRedText(List args) { return _showBorderError && args.contains(_cardDetails.validState); } /// Helper function to change the `_showBorderError` and /// `_validationErrorText`. void _setValidationState(String? text) { setState(() { _validationErrorText = text; _showBorderError = text != null; }); } /// Calls `validate()` on the form state and resets /// the validation state void _validateFields() { _validationErrorText = null; if (widget.overrideValidState != null) { _cardDetails.overrideValidState = widget.overrideValidState!; _setValidationState(widget.errorText); } else { _formFieldKey.currentState!.validate(); // Clear up validation state if everything is valid if (_validationErrorText == null) { _setValidationState(null); } } return; } /// Used when `_isWideFormat == false`, scrolls /// the `_horizontalScrollController` to a given offset void _scrollRow(CardEntryStep step) { const dur = Duration(milliseconds: 150); const cur = Curves.easeOut; switch (step) { case CardEntryStep.number: _horizontalScrollController.animateTo(0.0, duration: dur, curve: cur); break; case CardEntryStep.exp: _horizontalScrollController.animateTo(_cardFieldWidth / 2, duration: dur, curve: cur); break; case CardEntryStep.cvc: _horizontalScrollController.animateTo(_cardFieldWidth / 2 + _expirationFieldWidth, duration: dur, curve: cur); break; case CardEntryStep.postal: _horizontalScrollController.animateTo(_cardFieldWidth / 2 + _expirationFieldWidth + _securityFieldWidth, duration: dur, curve: cur); break; } } /// Function that is listening to the `_currentCardEntryStepController` /// StreamController. Manages validation and tracking of the current step /// as well as scrolling the text fields. void _onStepChange(CardEntryStep step) { if (_currentStep.index < step.index) { _validateFields(); } else if (_currentStep != step) { _setValidationState(null); } setState(() { _currentStep = step; }); switch (step) { case CardEntryStep.number: cardNumberFocusNode.requestFocus(); break; case CardEntryStep.exp: expirationFocusNode.requestFocus(); break; case CardEntryStep.cvc: securityCodeFocusNode.requestFocus(); break; case CardEntryStep.postal: postalCodeFocusNode.requestFocus(); break; } if (!isWideFormat) { _scrollRow(step); } } /// Function that is listening to the keyboard events. /// /// This provides the functionality of hitting backspace /// and the focus changing between fields when the current /// entry step is empty. void _backspaceTransitionListener(RawKeyEvent value) { if (!value.isKeyPressed(LogicalKeyboardKey.backspace)) { return; } switch (_currentStep) { case CardEntryStep.number: break; case CardEntryStep.exp: final expStr = _expirationController.text; if (expStr.isNotEmpty) break; _currentCardEntryStepController.add(CardEntryStep.number); String numStr = _cardNumberController.text; _cardNumberController.text = numStr.substring(0, numStr.length - 1); break; case CardEntryStep.cvc: final cvcStr = _securityCodeController.text; if (cvcStr.isNotEmpty) break; _currentCardEntryStepController.add(CardEntryStep.exp); final expStr = _expirationController.text; _expirationController.text = expStr.substring(0, expStr.length - 1); case CardEntryStep.postal: final String postalStr = _postalCodeController.text; if (postalStr.isNotEmpty) break; _currentCardEntryStepController.add(CardEntryStep.cvc); final String cvcStr = _securityCodeController.text; _securityCodeController.text = cvcStr.substring(0, cvcStr.length - 1); } } } /// Formatter that adds the appropriate space ' ' characters /// to make the card number display cleanly. class CardNumberInputFormatter implements TextInputFormatter { @override TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) { String cardNum = newValue.text; if (cardNum.length <= 4) return newValue; cardNum = cardNum.replaceAll(' ', ''); StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < cardNum.length; i++) { buffer.write(cardNum[i]); int nonZeroIndex = i + 1; if (nonZeroIndex % 4 == 0 && nonZeroIndex != cardNum.length) { buffer.write(' '); } } return newValue.copyWith(text: buffer.toString(), selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: buffer.length)); } } /// Formatter that adds a backslash '/' character in between /// the month and the year for the expiration date. class CardExpirationFormatter implements TextInputFormatter { @override TextEditingValue formatEditUpdate(TextEditingValue oldValue, TextEditingValue newValue) { String cardExp = newValue.text; if (cardExp.length == 1) { if (cardExp[0] == '0' || cardExp[0] == '1') { return newValue; } else { cardExp = '0$cardExp'; } } if (cardExp.length == 2 && oldValue.text.length == 3) return newValue; cardExp = cardExp.replaceAll('/', ''); StringBuffer buffer = StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < cardExp.length; i++) { buffer.write(cardExp[i]); int nonZeroIndex = i + 1; if (nonZeroIndex == 2) { buffer.write('/'); } } return newValue.copyWith(text: buffer.toString(), selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: buffer.length)); } }