A simple and clean Stripe Element Card clone, rebuilt in native Flutter widgets. # DISCLAIMER This is not an officially maintained package by Stripe, but using the html stripe elements they provide in flutter was inconvenient for me, so I made this package. # Features Got to use emojis and taglines for attention grabbing and algorithm hacking: - ⚡ Blazingly fast ( its as fast as the rest of flutter ) - 🧹 Cleaner & Easier to Use ( fewer dependencies than the official stripe elements ) - 🛡 Safe and Supports all Flutter Targets ( its native flutter with minimal dependencies ) - ☑ Seemless UI/UX ( hard to match stripe quality, but I think I got pretty close ) - 💳 Built-in Stripe Integration ( guess that one is obvious ) - ☯ Chi Energy Boost ( alright I'm fishing... ) ## Why StripeNativeCardField? - Fewer dependencies: no more depending on Flutter Webview - Customizable: the entire field can inherit native Flutter styling, i.e. `BoxDecoration()` - Native Implementation: compiles and loads like the rest of your app, unlike embeded html - Automatic validation: no `inputFormatters` or `RegExp` needed on your side The card data can either be retrieved with the `onCardDetailsComplete` callback, or you can have the element automatically create a Stripe card token when the fields are filled out, and return the token with the `onTokenReceived` callback. ### Card Provider Detection ![Card Provider Detection](https://git.fosscat.com/n8r/stripe_native_card_field/raw/branch/main/readme_assets/card_provider_detection.gif) [Supported Card Providers in Docs](https://pub.dev/documentation/stripe_native_card_field/latest/card_details/CardProviderID.html) ### Customizable Styles ![Customizable Style 1](https://git.fosscat.com/n8r/stripe_native_card_field/raw/branch/main/readme_assets/customizable_style.gif) This dark mode style example provided [here](https://git.fosscat.com/n8r/stripe_native_card_field/raw/branch/main/example/lib/dark_customization.dart) For documentation on all of the available customizable aspects of the `CardTextField`, go to the [API docs here](https://pub.dev/documentation/stripe_native_card_field/latest/stripe_native_card_field/CardTextField-class.html). ### Smooth UX ![Smooth UX](https://git.fosscat.com/n8r/stripe_native_card_field/raw/branch/main/readme_assets/smooth_ux.gif) Mimics the Stripe html elements behavior wherever possible. Auto focusing / transitioning text fields, backspacing focuses to last field, automatically validating user input, etc. # Getting started - Install the package by running `flutter pub add stripe_native_card_field` ## Usage Include the package in a file: ```dart import 'package:stripe_native_card_field/stripe_native_card_field.dart'; ``` ### For just Card Data ```dart CardTextField( width: 500, onCardDetailsComplete: (details) { // Save the card details to use with your call to Stripe, or whoever setState(() => _cardDetails = details); }, ); ``` ### For Stripe Token ```dart CardTextField( width: 500, stripePublishableKey: 'pk_test_abc123', // Your stripe key here onTokenReceived: (token) { // Save the stripe token to send to your backend setState(() => _token = token); }, ); ``` # Additional information Repository located [here](https://git.fosscat.com/n8r/stripe_native_card_field)