
146 lines
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open Tyxml
type endpoint_key = {
path : string;
callback : Http.Request.t -> Http.Response.t;
type opt_route_response = {
headers : Http.Header.t option;
status : Http.Status.t option;
body : Cohttp_eio.Body.t option;
type route_response = {
headers : Http.Header.t;
status : Http.Status.t;
body : Cohttp_eio.Body.t;
type route_callback = Http.Request.t -> route_response
module Endpath : sig
type t
val compare : t -> t -> int
val of_tuple : Http.Method.t * string -> t
end = struct
type t = Http.Method.t * string
let compare (meth_a, path_a) (meth_b, path_b) =
let meth_compare = meth_a meth_b in
if meth_compare <> 0 then meth_compare
else String.(compare (lowercase_ascii path_a) (lowercase_ascii path_b))
let of_tuple (method_, path) : t = (method_, path)
module EndpointMap = Map.Make (Endpath)
(* let endpoints: route_callback EndpointMap.t ref = ref EndpointMap.empty *)
let default_headers =
let headers_strings = [ ("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8") ] in
ref (Http.Header.of_list headers_strings)
let default_body = ref ("" |> Eio.Flow.string_source)
let log_warning ex = Logs.warn (fun f -> f "%a" Eio.Exn.pp ex)
let get (path : string) (callback : route_callback) =
let key = Endpath.of_tuple (`GET, path) in
(key, callback)
let post (path : string) (callback : route_callback) =
let key = Endpath.of_tuple (`POST, path) in
(key, callback)
(* endpoints := !endpoints |> EndpointMap.add key callback *)
let rec find_html_files (static_path : string) =
let files = Sys.readdir static_path in
(fun acc file ->
let path = Filename.concat static_path file in
if Sys.is_directory path then acc @ find_html_files path
else if Filename.check_suffix path ".html" then path :: acc
else acc)
[] files
let respond ?body ?headers ?status () =
body = Option.value body ~default:!default_body;
headers = Option.value headers ~default:!default_headers;
status = Option.value status ~default:`OK;
let respondStr ?body ?headers ?status () =
let eio_body =
match body with Some b -> Eio.Flow.string_source b | None -> !default_body
body = eio_body;
headers = Option.value headers ~default:!default_headers;
status = Option.value status ~default:`OK;
let respondHtmlDoc ?body ?headers ?status () =
let eio_body =
match body with
| Some b ->
let content = Format.asprintf "%a" (Html.pp ()) b in
Eio.Flow.string_source content
| None -> !default_body
body = eio_body;
headers = Option.value headers ~default:!default_headers;
status = Option.value status ~default:`OK;
let respondHtml ?body ?headers ?status () =
let eio_body =
match body with
| Some b ->
let content = Format.asprintf "%a" (Html.pp_elt ()) b in
Eio.Flow.string_source content
| None -> !default_body
body = eio_body;
headers = Option.value headers ~default:!default_headers;
status = Option.value status ~default:`OK;
(** TODO not implemented, needs yojson ? *)
let respondJson body ?headers ?status () =
headers = Option.value headers ~default:!default_headers;
status = Option.value status ~default:`OK;
let run ~env ~sw ~port endpoint_list =
let endpoints : route_callback EndpointMap.t =
EndpointMap.of_list endpoint_list
let socket =
Eio.Net.listen env#net ~sw ~backlog:128 ~reuse_addr:true
(`Tcp (Eio.Net.Ipaddr.V4.loopback, port))
let handler _socket request _body =
(* let req = Http.Request.resource request in *)
let path = Http.Request.resource request in
let end_key = Endpath.of_tuple (request.meth, path) in
let opt_path = EndpointMap.find_opt end_key endpoints in
match opt_path with
| Some route ->
(* NOTE needs an Exn.protect here? try / finally *)
let response = route request in
Cohttp_eio.Server.respond () ~headers:response.headers
~status:response.status ~body:response.body
| None ->
let not_found_body = "Route not defined\n" |> Eio.Flow.string_source in
Cohttp_eio.Server.respond () ~status:`Not_found ~body:not_found_body
let server = Cohttp_eio.Server.make ~callback:handler () in socket server ~on_error:log_warning