Downloaded pi zero case, wip bottom case for camera build
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// Pi Zero model for checking other models
// 0,0,0 is centre of PCB, bottom face
// This model is for V1.2, 1.3, W1.1 & WH
// By misterC @ thingiverse
// Pi Zero version
PiZeroVer = "W"; // [1.2/1.3/W/WH] for version of Pi
// visibility options
// ShowPiZero = true;
ShowPiZero = false;
ShowTestPads = true;
//ShowTestPads = false;
ShowGPIOheader = 0; // 0 = dont' show, 1 = show above, -1 = show below (version WH overrides this)
ShowGPIOsound = true;
//ShowGPIOsound = false;
ShowGPIOcolour = true;
//ShowGPIOcolour = false;
// Loads of variables
// PCB size values
PiSizeX = 65;
PiSizeY = 30;
PiSizeZ = 1.6;
PiCornerRad = 3.0;
PiHoleEdge = 3.5; // Mount holes are 3.5mm from each edge
PiHoleDia = 2.75;
PiHoleClearRad = 3.0; // Mount holes have 6 Dia clear on PCB
// GPIO part sizes
PiHdrX = 2.5;
PiHdrY = 2.5;
PiHdrZ = 2.5;
PinX = 0.7;
PinY = 0.7;
PinZ = 11.75;
PiPinZOff = 3; // measured, pins aren't symmetrical
// Calculated size values
PiHoleRad = PiHoleDia / 2;
// Mount hole dims from centre lines
PiHoleX = PiSizeX/2 - PiHoleEdge;
PiHoleY = PiSizeY/2 - PiHoleEdge;
// Half thickness of PCB, used for internal sums
PiHalfZ = PiSizeZ/2;
// Offset to centre of GPIO Pin header pad
PiPadOffset = PiHalfZ + PiHdrZ/2;
// Offset for centre of GPIO Pin
PiPinOffset = PiHalfZ + PinZ/2 - PiPinZOff;
// Pi system components
// all Pi### [ Xctr, Yctr, Xsize, Ysize, Zsize, <color> ]
// Component connector centrelines from Pi centreline
PiSD = [-24.5,1.9,11.5,12.0,1.3,"Silver"]; // SD holder
PiUSB = [8.9,-13,7.5,5.0,2.5,"Silver"]; // Data (USB)
PiOTG = [21.5,-13,7.5,5.0,2.5,"Silver"]; // Power (OTG)
PiHDMI = [-20.1,-11.4,11.25,7.25,3.3,"Silver"]; // HDMI
// Camera header in two parts
PiCAMw = [30,0,3,17,1.3,"Ivory"];
PiCAMb = [32,0,1.6,17,1.3,"DimGray"];
// "Act" LED - position changes after 1.2
PiACT = (PiZeroVer=="1.2") ? ([30.9,-7.2,1,2.3,1,"GreenYellow"]) : ([26.5,-8,2.3,1,1,"GreenYellow"]);
// SOC - position changes for W versions
PiSOCx = (isitPiW()) ? -7.1 : -2.5;
PiSOC = [PiSOCx,-2,12,12,1.2,"Black"]; // SOC
PiWiFi = [[-6.5,-11.4],[1.5,-11.4],[-1.5,-13.5],[-4,-13.5],[-6.5,-11.4]]; // WiFi / BT antenna shape
// PP pads (on underside) centres from Pi centreline
// all PiPP [ padno, <function>, Xctr, Yctr, Dia, <color> ]
// elements 0 & 1 are for info only at present, element 5 chosen to match wire colour
// JTAG etc not included at the moment
PiPP = [
[1,"+5V",21.0,-8.7,2.25,"Red"], // PP1 X varies slightly but only about 0.5mm
[22,"Data +",9.4,-13,1.75,"White"],
[23,"Data -",7.4,-13,1.75,"SpringGreen"]
// GPIO easy reference colours
GPIOcolour = [
// Overall definition
Program from here
// Model the Zero if required
if(ShowPiZero) PiZeroBody();
// Model the test pads if required
if (ShowTestPads) PiZeroTestPads();
// Model the GPIO headers if required (always show for WH)
if (PiZeroVer=="WH") PiGPIO(1);
else if (ShowGPIOheader) PiGPIO(ShowGPIOheader);
// This is the main routine and can be called from outside
module PiZeroBody(extend_components = false) // Models the Pi.
color("LimeGreen") difference()
// PCB shape
hull() for (Xcount=[-PiHoleX,PiHoleX],Ycount=[-PiHoleY,PiHoleY]) translate([Xcount,Ycount,PiHalfZ]) cylinder(r=PiCornerRad,h=PiSizeZ,center=true);
// Corner screw holes
for (Xcount=[-PiHoleX,PiHoleX],Ycount=[-PiHoleY,PiHoleY]) PiPCBhole(Xcount,Ycount,PiHoleDia);
// GPIO holes
for (Xcount=[0:19],Ycount=[0,1]) PiPCBhole(XPinPos(Xcount),YPinPos(Ycount),1.2);
// The sound and vision holes (loop list cheat for simplicity)
for (Xcount=[18,19],Ycount=[-1,-2]) PiPCBhole(XPinPos(Xcount),YPinPos(Ycount),1.2);
// Now show the components
PiComponent(PiSOC); // Processor
PiComponent(PiSD, scaling=extend_components ? [2,1.1,1.3] : [1,1,1]); // SD card holder
PiComponent(PiHDMI, scaling=extend_components ? [1.1,2.5,1.3] : [1,1,1]); // HDMI
PiComponent(PiUSB, scaling=extend_components ? [1.1,2.5,1.3] : [1,1,1]); // USB
PiComponent(PiOTG, scaling=extend_components ? [1.1,2.5,1.3] : [1,1,1]); // Power
PiComponent(PiACT); // Active LED
if (PiZeroVer != "1.2") // Only 1.2 doesn't have camera header
PiComponent(PiCAMw, scaling=extend_components ? [3,1.1,1.3] : [1,1,1]);
PiComponent(PiCAMb, scaling=extend_components ? [3,1.1,1.3] : [1,1,1]);
if (isitPiW()) color("DarkGreen") translate([0,0,0.1]) linear_extrude(height=PiSizeZ) polygon(points=PiWiFi); // Antenna
// These routines can also be called separately from outside
module PiZeroTestPads() // Show test pads for debugging connectors
for(count=PiPP) PiDrawPad(count);
module PiGPIO(switch) // Show GPIO pins, plus sound & vision
PiZPad = PiHalfZ + switch*PiPadOffset;
PiZPin = PiHalfZ + switch*PiPinOffset;
for (Xcount = [0:19], Ycount = [0,1])
colour = ShowGPIOcolour ? GPIOcolour[Xcount][Ycount] : "Gold";
if (ShowGPIOsound) for (Xcount = [18,19], Ycount = [-1,-2]) PiPCBPin(XPinPos(Xcount),YPinPos(Ycount),PiZPad,PiZPin,"Gold");
// Modules and Functions used for Pi model
module PiDrawPad(PiVect) // Places a spot at test pad point, coloured to show pad function
translate([PiVect[2],PiVect[3],PiSizeZ/4]) color(PiVect[5]) cylinder(h=PiSizeZ*2/3,d=PiVect[4],center=true);
module PiPCBhole(Xpos,Ypos,Dia) // Cuts a hole through PCB
translate([Xpos,Ypos,PiHalfZ]) cylinder(h=2*PiSizeZ,d=Dia,center=true);
module PiComponent(PiData, scaling=[1,1,1]) // Makes a block to represent a component on the upper face
translate([PiData[0],PiData[1],PiSizeZ + PiData[4]/2]) color(PiData[5]) scale(scaling) cube([PiData[2],PiData[3],PiData[4]], center=true);
module PiPCBPin(Xpos,Ypos,Zpad,Zpin,colour) // PCB headers, pin by pin
translate([Xpos,Ypos,Zpad]) color("Black") cube([PiHdrX,PiHdrY,PiHdrZ],center=true);
translate([Xpos,Ypos,Zpin]) color(colour) cube([PinX,PinY,PinZ],center=true);
// X & Y co-ord calcs for header pin positions
function XPinPos(Xval) = -(19*1.27)+Xval*2.54;
function YPinPos(Yval) = PiHoleY-1.27+Yval*2.54;
function isitPiW() = (search("W",PiZeroVer)==[0]) ? true : false; // Returns true if first character of version is W
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include <PiZero.scad>
include <BOSL2/std.scad>
wall_thickness_mod = 1.2;
cap_thickness = 6;
case_height = 7;
outer_rect_size=[PiSizeX + wall_thickness_mod, PiSizeY + wall_thickness_mod];
PiZeroVer = "WH";
up(cap_thickness) PiZeroBody(false);
union() {
// Case Walls
up(cap_thickness - 0.05) difference() {
rect_tube(h=case_height, size=outer_rect_size , isize=[PiSizeX, PiSizeY], anchor=BOTTOM);
up(0.5) PiZeroBody(true);
up(2) fwd(PiSizeY / 2 + wall_thickness_mod / 3 + 0.1) right(PiSizeX / 2 - 6) xrot(90) text3d(text = "5V", size=3, font = "Hurmit Nerd Font", thickness = wall_thickness_mod / 3);
// Bottom Wall Cap
linear_extrude(cap_thickness) rect(size = outer_rect_size, anchor = CENTER, spin = 0);
// Top Wall Cap
// %up(cap_thickness + case_height - 0.1) linear_extrude(cap_thickness) rect(size = outer_rect_size, anchor = CENTER, spin = 0);
Reference in New Issue
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