{ inputs, lib, config, pkgs, ... }: let # unstable = import inputs.nixpkgs-unstable { system = "x86_64-linux"; config.allowUnfree = true; }; in { options.hyprhome = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "Enable hyprland home config"; homePackages = lib.mkOption { default = []; description = "Add any additional packages desired. Merged with hyprland defaults."; }; }; config = lib.mkIf config.hyprhome.enable { wayland.windowManager.hyprland.enable = true; # enable Hyprland # wayland.windowManager.hyprland.package = hyprland; # enable Hyprland wayland.windowManager.hyprland.settings = { "$mod" = "Super"; "$terminal" = "foot"; "$fileManager" = "nautilus"; "$menu" = "nwg-drawer"; # Autostart exec-once = [ "swaylock -C ~/.config/swaylock/boot-config" "swaybg -i ~/.config/hypr/va_background.png" "nwg-panel" "nm-applet --indicator" "sleep 5 && syncthingtray --wait" "blueman-applet" "hypridle" "lxqt-policykit-agent" # May need to kill mako if nwg-panel starts it "swaync" "keepassxc" # set gsettings "dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/cursor-theme \"'catppuccin-macchiato-lavender-cursors'\"" "dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/cursor-size 24" # "dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/icon-theme \"'Papirus-Dark'\"" # "dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/interface/gtk-theme \"'catppuccin-macchiato-lavender-compact+rimless'\"" "hyprctl setcursor catppuccin-macchiato-lavender-cursors 24" ]; input = { repeat_rate = 50; repeat_delay = 350; touchpad = { natural_scroll = true; }; }; bezier = [ "easeout, 0, 0.55, 0.45, 1" ]; animation = [ "workspaces, 1, 1, easeout" ]; gestures = { workspace_swipe = true; }; general = { gaps_in = 3; gaps_out = 5; border_size = 3; "col.active_border" = "rgba(7e5fddff) rgba(ff5100ff) 60deg"; }; decoration = { rounding = 12; inactive_opacity = 0.9; dim_inactive = true; dim_strength = 0.1; blur = { enabled = true; passes = 1; size = 10; }; shadow.enabled = false; }; bind = [ "$mod, Q, killactive" "$mod Shift, Q, exit" "$mod, W, exec, firefox" "$mod, D, exec, $menu" "$mod, T, exec, $fileManager" "$mod, code:36, exec, $terminal" # Enter code "$mod, Space, togglefloating" # Toggle floating / tiled focus "$mod Shift, Space, exec, hyprctl dispatch focuswindow $(if [[ $(hyprctl activewindow -j | jq .\"floating\") == \"true\" ]]; then echo \"tiled\"; else echo \"floating\"; fi;)" "$mod, F, fullscreen, 0" "$mod, Tab, cyclenext" "$mod Shift, Tab, swapnext" "$mod, left, movefocus, l" "$mod, right, movefocus, r" "$mod, up, movefocus, u" "$mod, down, movefocus, d" "$mod Shift, left, movewindow, l" "$mod Shift, right, movewindow, r" "$mod Shift, up, movewindow, u" "$mod Shift, down, movewindow, d" # Colemak-DH binds "$mod, N, movefocus, l" "$mod, O, movefocus, r" "$mod, E, movefocus, u" "$mod, I, movefocus, d" "$mod Shift, N, movewindow, l" "$mod Shift, O, movewindow, r" "$mod Shift, E, movewindow, u" "$mod Shift, I, movewindow, d" # Disabled laptop keyboard "$mod SHIFT, K, exec, hyprctl keyword 'device[at-translated-set-2-keyboard]:enabled' 'false' && notify-send 'Laptop keyboard disabled' -i nix-snowflake" # Reload config "$mod SHIFT, R, exec, hyprctl reload && notify-send 'Hypr Config Reloaded' -i nix-snowflake" # Scratch pad workspace "$mod, minus, togglespecialworkspace, scratch" "$mod SHIFT, minus, movetoworkspacesilent, special:scratch" # Music workspace "$mod, M, togglespecialworkspace, music" # "$mod SHIFT, M, movetoworkspacesilent, special:music" "$mod Shift, M, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/music_setup.sh" # "$mod Control_R, M, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/music_setup.sh" # Screenshots "$mod, P, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/screenshot.sh clipboard" "$mod SHIFT, P, exec, ~/.config/hypr/scripts/screenshot.sh" # Color picker "$mod, C, exec, color=$(hyprpicker) && echo $color | wl-copy && notify-send \"Copied $color to clipboard\"" # Toggle notification drawer "$mod CONTROL, N, exec, swaync-client -t -sw" ] ++ ( # workspaces # binds $mod + [shift +] {1..9} to [move to] workspace {1..9} builtins.concatLists (builtins.genList (i: let ws = i + 1; in [ "$mod, code:1${toString i}, workspace, ${toString ws}" "$mod SHIFT, code:1${toString i}, movetoworkspacesilent, ${toString ws}" ] ) 9) ); bindm = [ "$mod, mouse:272, movewindow" # LMB to move window "$mod, mouse:273, resizewindow" # RMB to move window ]; bindel = [ # Brightness / Volume Controls # Chromebook has the printed symbols for these actions, but are really just fn keys ", XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, brightnessctl s 10%-" ", XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, brightnessctl s 10%+" ", XF86AudioMute, exec, wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle" ", XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%-" ", XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, wpctl set-volume -l 1 @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 5%+" ", XF86AudioMicMute, exec, wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SOURCE@ toggle" ]; # Lid switch binds bindl = [ # trigger when the switch is turning on ", switch:on:Lid Switch, exec, hyprctl keyword monitor 'eDP-1, disable' && nwg-panel" # ", switch:on:[switch name], exec, hyprctl dispatch dpms off eDP-1 " # trigger when the switch is turning off ", switch:off:Lid Switch, exec, hyprctl keyword monitor 'eDP-1, 2560x1600@165, 0x0, 1.00' && nwg-panel" # ", switch:off:[switch name], exec, hyprctl dispatch dpms on eDP-1" ]; windowrulev2 = [ # float keepass windows, put main window in scratch "float, class:^(org.keepassxc.KeePassXC)$" "workspace special:scratch silent, class:^(org.keepassxc.KeePassXC)$ title:\[Locked\]" # float music windows and move to music workspace "tag +fmusic, class:^(firefox)$, title:^(YouTube — Mozilla Firefox)$" "float, tag:^(fmusic)$"# class:^(firefox)$, title:YouTube" "workspace special:music silent, tag:^(fmusic)$"# class:^(firefox)$, title:YouTube" "size 800 400, tag:^(fmusic)$"# class:^(firefox)$, title:YouTube" "move 100%-w-20 100%-h-20, tag:^(fmusic)$"# class:^(firefox)$, title:YouTube" ]; # Auto tile new unspecified monitors to the right, in preferred resolution monitor = [ "eDP-1, 2560x1600@165, 0x0, 1.00" # At home monitor setup, 144 for hdmi bandwidth "desc:LG Electronics LG ULTRAGEAR+ 406NTJJ6B876, 3840x2160@144, auto, 1, vrr, 1" "desc:LG Electronics LG HDR WQHD 403MXVW10247, 3440x1440@84.96, auto, 1, vrr, 1" ", preferred, auto, 1" ]; cursor = { no_hardware_cursors = true; # allow_dumb_copy = true; }; misc = { vfr = true; force_default_wallpaper = 0; disable_hyprland_logo = true; }; }; wayland.windowManager.hyprland.systemd.variables = ["--all"]; home.pointerCursor = { gtk.enable = true; name = "Bibata-Modern-Classic"; package = pkgs.bibata-cursors; size = 24; }; # home.sessionVariables = { # }; home.packages = with pkgs; lib.lists.flatten [ [ ### hyprland packages swaybg swaylock-effects wofi # NWG nwg-bar nwg-menu nwg-look nwg-dock-hyprland nwg-panel nwg-drawer nwg-launchers # Hypr Utils hyprpicker hyprshot hypridle # Etc gopsuinfo # For system stats in panel wl-clipboard # System clipboard brightnessctl wev wdisplays # Notifs libnotify swaynotificationcenter # Tray Applets networkmanagerapplet pavucontrol syncthingtray tailscale-systray ] config.hyprhome.homePackages ]; programs.cava = { enable = true; settings = { smoothing.noise_reduction = 55; }; }; }; }