Compare commits


No commits in common. "2bb838aef41c1f81380d1d498526010ed2c56120" and "0b4b950ad14e3e1c361e1978d511a1f9223d871c" have entirely different histories.

21 changed files with 87 additions and 1437 deletions

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
snippet_support = true
verbosity = 2
# exit session if no requests were received during given period in seconds
# set to 0 to disable
timeout = 1800 # seconds = 30 minutes
filetypes = ["sh"]
roots = [".git", ".hg"]
command = "bash-language-server"
args = ["start"]
filetypes = ["c", "cpp"]
roots = ["compile_commands.json", ".clangd", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "clangd"
filetypes = ["clojure"]
roots = ["project.clj", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "clojure-lsp"
settings_section = "_"
# See
# source-paths-ignore-regex = ["resources.*", "target.*"]
filetypes = ["cmake"]
roots = ["CMakeLists.txt", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "cmake-language-server"
filetypes = ["crystal"]
roots = ["shard.yml"]
command = "crystalline"
filetypes = ["css"]
roots = ["package.json", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "vscode-css-languageserver"
args = ["--stdio"]
filetypes = ["less"]
roots = ["package.json", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "vscode-css-languageserver"
args = ["--stdio"]
filetypes = ["scss"]
roots = ["package.json", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "vscode-css-languageserver"
args = ["--stdio"]
filetypes = ["d", "di"]
roots = [".git", "dub.sdl", "dub.json"]
command = "dls"
# start shell to find path to dart analysis server source
filetypes = ["dart"]
roots = ["pubspec.yaml", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "dart"
args = ["language-server"]
lineLength = 120
filetypes = ["elixir"]
roots = ["mix.exs"]
command = "elixir-ls"
settings_section = "elixirLS"
# See
# dialyzerEnable = true
filetypes = ["elm"]
roots = ["elm.json"]
command = "elm-language-server"
args = ["--stdio"]
settings_section = "elmLS"
# See
runtime = "node"
elmPath = "elm"
elmFormatPath = "elm-format"
elmTestPath = "elm-test"
filetypes = ["elvish"]
roots = [".git", ".hg"]
command = "elvish"
args = ["-lsp"]
filetypes = ["erlang"]
# See for more information and
# how to configure. This default config should work in most cases though.
roots = ["rebar.config", "", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "erlang_ls"
filetypes = ["go"]
roots = ["Gopkg.toml", "go.mod", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "gopls"
settings_section = "gopls"
# See
# "build.buildFlags" = []
filetypes = ["haskell"]
roots = ["hie.yaml", "cabal.project", "Setup.hs", "stack.yaml", "*.cabal"]
command = "haskell-language-server-wrapper"
args = ["--lsp"]
settings_section = "_"
# See
# haskell.formattingProvider = "ormolu"
filetypes = ["html"]
roots = ["package.json"]
command = "vscode-html-languageserver"
args = ["--stdio"]
# # Commented out by default because you still need to set the paths in the JDT
# # Language Server arguments below before this can become a valid configuration.
# []
# filetypes = ["java"]
# roots = [".git", "mvnw", "gradlew"]
# command = "java"
# args = [
# "",
# "-Dosgi.bundles.defaultStartLevel=4",
# "",
# "-Dlog.level=ALL",
# "-Dfile.encoding=utf-8",
# "--add-modules=ALL-SYSTEM",
# "--add-opens",
# "java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED",
# "--add-opens",
# "java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED",
# "-noverify",
# "-Xmx1G",
# "-jar",
# "/path/to/",
# "-configuration",
# "/path/to/",
# "-data",
# "/path/to/eclipse-workspace",
# ]
# []
# # See
# # "java.format.insertSpaces" = true
filetypes = ["javascript"]
roots = ["package.json", "tsconfig.json", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "typescript-language-server"
args = ["--stdio"]
settings_section = "_"
# quotePreference = "single"
# javascript.format.semicolons = "insert"
filetypes = ["json"]
roots = ["package.json"]
command = "vscode-json-language-server"
args = ["--stdio"]
# Requires Julia package "LanguageServer"
# Run: `julia --project=@kak-lsp -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("LanguageServer")'` to install it
# Configuration adapted from
filetypes = ["julia"]
roots = ["Project.toml", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "julia"
args = [
ls_install_path = joinpath(get(DEPOT_PATH, 1, joinpath(homedir(), ".julia")), "environments", "kak-lsp");
pushfirst!(LOAD_PATH, ls_install_path);
using LanguageServer;
depot_path = get(ENV, "JULIA_DEPOT_PATH", "");
buffer_file = ENV["kak_buffile"];
project_path = let
# 1. Check if there is an explicitly set project
p = get(ENV, "JULIA_PROJECT", nothing);
p === nothing ? nothing : isempty(p) ? nothing : p
# 2. Check for Project.toml in current working directory
# 3. Check for Project.toml from buffer's full file path excluding the file name
# 4. Fallback to global environment
server = LanguageServer.LanguageServerInstance(stdin, stdout, project_path, depot_path);
server.runlinter = true;
# See
# Format options. See
# "julia.format.indent" = 4
# Lint options. See
# "" = true
# Other options, see
# "" = "true"
filetypes = ["latex"]
roots = [".git", ".hg"]
command = "texlab"
settings_section = "texlab"
# See
# Preview configuration for zathura with SyncTeX search.
# For other PDF viewers see
forwardSearch.executable = "zathura"
forwardSearch.args = [
"--synctex-forward", # Support texlab-forward-search
"--synctex-editor-command", # Inverse search: use Control+Left-Mouse-Button to jump to source.
sh -c '
echo "
evaluate-commands -client %opt{texlab_client} %{
evaluate-commands -try-client %opt{jumpclient} %{
edit -- %{input} %{line}
" | kak -p $kak_session
filetypes = ["lua"]
roots = [".git", ".hg"]
command = "lua-language-server"
# See
# diagnostics.enable = true
filetype = ["md", "markdown"]
roots = [".git", ".hg"]
command = "vscode-markdown-language-server"
args = ["--stdio"]
# [[language]]
# name = "markdown"
# scope = ""
# injection-regex = "md|markdown"
# file-types = ["md", "markdown", "PULLREQ_EDITMSG", "mkd", "mdwn", "mdown", "markdn", "mdtxt", "mdtext", "workbook"]
# roots = [".marksman.toml"]
# language-servers = [ "marksman" ]
# indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " " }
filetypes = ["nim"]
roots = ["*.nimble", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "nimlsp"
filetypes = ["nix"]
roots = ["flake.nix", "shell.nix", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "rnix-lsp"
filetypes = ["ocaml"]
# Often useful to simply do a `touch dune-workspace` in your project root folder if you have problems with root detection
roots = ["dune-workspace", "dune-project", "Makefile", "opam", "*.opam", "esy.json", ".git", ".hg", "dune"]
command = "ocamllsp"
filetypes = ["php"]
roots = [".htaccess", "composer.json"]
command = "intelephense"
args = ["--stdio"]
settings_section = "intelephense"
intelephense.storagePath = "/tmp/intelephense"
filetypes = ["protobuf"]
roots = [".git", ".hg"]
command = "pls" #
filetypes = ["python"]
roots = ["requirements.txt", "", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "pylsp"
settings_section = "_"
# See
# pylsp.configurationSources = ["flake8"]
pylsp.plugins.jedi_completion.include_params = true
filetypes = ["r"]
roots = ["DESCRIPTION", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "R"
args = ["--slave", "-e", "languageserver::run()"]
filetypes = ["racket"]
roots = ["info.rkt"]
command = "racket"
args = ["-l", "racket-langserver"]
filetypes = ["reason"]
roots = ["package.json", "Makefile", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "ocamllsp"
filetypes = ["ruby"]
roots = ["Gemfile"]
command = "solargraph"
args = ["stdio"]
settings_section = "_"
# See
# diagnostics = false
# [language.rust]
# filetypes = ["rust"]
# roots = ["Cargo.toml"]
# command = "sh"
# args = [
# "-c",
# """
# if path=$(rustup which rls 2>/dev/null); then
# "$path"
# else
# rls
# fi
# """,
# ]
# [language.rust.settings.rust]
# # See
# # features = []
filetypes = ["rust"]
roots = ["Cargo.toml"]
command = "sh"
args = [
if path=$(rustup which rust-analyzer 2>/dev/null); then
settings_section = "rust-analyzer"
# See
hoverActions.enable = false # kak-lsp doesn't support this at the moment
# cargo.features = []
filetypes = ["terraform"]
roots = ["*.tf"]
command = "terraform-ls"
args = ["serve"]
# See
# rootModulePaths = []
# [language.typescriptreact]
# filetypes = ["typescript"]
# roots = ["package.json", "tsconfig.json", ".git", ".hg"]
# command = "typescript-language-server"
# args = ["--stdio"]
# settings_section = "_"
# [language.typescriptreact.settings._]
# quotePreference = "double"
# typescript.format.semicolons = "insert"
filetypes = ["typescript"]
roots = ["package.json", "tsconfig.json", ".git", ".hg"]
command = "typescript-language-server"
args = ["--stdio"]
settings_section = "_"
# [language.typescript.settings.deno]
# enable = true
# lint = true
filetypes = ["yaml"]
roots = [".git", ".hg"]
command = "yaml-language-server"
args = ["--stdio"]
# See
# Defaults are at
# yaml.format.enable = true
filetypes = ["zig"]
roots = ["build.zig"]
command = "zls"
# Semantic tokens support
# See
# for the default list of tokens and modifiers.
# However, many language servers implement their own values.
# Make sure to check the output of `lsp-capabilities` and each server's documentation and source code as well.
# Examples:
# - TypeScript:
# - Rust Analyzer:
faces = [
{face="documentation", token="comment", modifiers=["documentation"]},
{face="comment", token="comment"},
{face="function", token="function"},
{face="keyword", token="keyword"},
{face="module", token="namespace"},
{face="operator", token="operator"},
{face="string", token="string"},
{face="type", token="type"},
{face="default+d", token="variable", modifiers=["readonly"]},
{face="default+d", token="variable", modifiers=["constant"]},
{face="variable", token="variable"},

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
# Catppuccin theme for Kakoune
# Color palette
declare-option str rosewater 'rgb:f2d5cf'
declare-option str red 'rgb:e78284'
declare-option str mauve 'rgb:ca9ee6'
declare-option str maroon 'rgb:ea999c'
declare-option str pink 'rgb:f4b8e4'
declare-option str cyan 'rgb:85c1dc'
declare-option str yellow 'rgb:e5c890'
declare-option str green 'rgb:a6d189'
declare-option str white 'rgb:c6d0f5'
declare-option str blue 'rgb:8caaee'
declare-option str sky 'rgb:99d1db'
declare-option str lavender 'rgb:babbf1'
declare-option str black1 'rgb:292c3c'
declare-option str black2 'rgb:303446'
declare-option str black3 'rgb:414559'
declare-option str orange 'rgb:ef9f76'
declare-option str teal 'rgb:81c8be'
declare-option str gray0 'rgb:626880'
declare-option str gray1 'rgb:737994'
declare-option str bright_red %opt{red}
declare-option str bright_green %opt{green}
declare-option str bright_yellow %opt{yellow}
declare-option str bright_blue %opt{blue}
declare-option str bright_cyan %opt{cyan}
declare-option str bright_white %opt{white}
declare-option str foreground %opt{white}
declare-option str background %opt{black2}
# Markup
set-face global title "%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global header "%opt{bright_red}"
set-face global bold "%opt{mauve}"
set-face global italic "%opt{lavender}"
set-face global mono "%opt{green}"
set-face global block "%opt{cyan}"
set-face global link "%opt{green}"
set-face global bullet "%opt{green}"
set-face global list "%opt{white}"
# Builtins
set-face global Default "%opt{white},%opt{background}"
set-face global PrimarySelection "%opt{gray0},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global SecondarySelection "%opt{lavender},%opt{gray0}"
set-face global PrimaryCursor "%opt{background},%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global SecondaryCursor "%opt{black1},%opt{teal}"
set-face global PrimaryCursorEol "%opt{gray0},%opt{mauve}"
set-face global SecondaryCursorEol "%opt{gray0},%opt{maroon}"
set-face global LineNumbers "%opt{gray1},%opt{background}"
set-face global LineNumberCursor "%opt{lavender},%opt{gray0}+b"
set-face global LineNumbersWrapped "%opt{teal},%opt{black1}+i"
set-face global MenuForeground "%opt{white},%opt{gray0}+b"
set-face global MenuBackground "%opt{white},%opt{black3}"
set-face global MenuInfo "%opt{black1},%opt{blue}"
set-face global Information "%opt{black1},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global Error "%opt{red},%opt{black2}"
set-face global StatusLine "%opt{white},%opt{black1}"
set-face global StatusLineMode "%opt{black2},%opt{yellow}"
set-face global StatusLineInfo "%opt{background},%opt{green}"
set-face global StatusLineValue "%opt{orange},%opt{gray0}"
set-face global StatusCursor "%opt{black1},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global Prompt "%opt{green},%opt{black2}"
set-face global MatchingChar "%opt{maroon},%opt{black2}"
set-face global Whitespace "%opt{gray1},%opt{background}+f"
set-face global WrapMarker Whitespace
set-face global BufferPadding "%opt{background},%opt{background}"
# Code
set-face global value "%opt{orange}"
set-face global type "%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global variable "%opt{white}"
set-face global module "%opt{maroon}"
set-face global function "%opt{sky}"
set-face global string "%opt{green}"
set-face global keyword "%opt{blue}"
set-face global operator "%opt{blue}"
set-face global attribute "%opt{green}"
set-face global comment "%opt{gray1}"
set-face global documentation comment
set-face global meta "%opt{pink}"
set-face global builtin "%opt{lavender}+b"

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
# Catppuccin theme for Kakoune
# Color palette
declare-option str rosewater 'rgb:dc8a78'
declare-option str red 'rgb:d20f39'
declare-option str mauve 'rgb:8839ef'
declare-option str maroon 'rgb:e64553'
declare-option str pink 'rgb:ea76cb'
declare-option str cyan 'rgb:209fb5'
declare-option str yellow 'rgb:df8e1d'
declare-option str green 'rgb:40a02b'
declare-option str white 'rgb:4c4f69'
declare-option str blue 'rgb:1e66f5'
declare-option str sky 'rgb:04a5e5'
declare-option str lavender 'rgb:7287fd'
declare-option str black1 'rgb:e6e9ef'
declare-option str black2 'rgb:eff1f5'
declare-option str black3 'rgb:ccd0da'
declare-option str orange 'rgb:fe640b'
declare-option str teal 'rgb:179299'
declare-option str gray0 'rgb:acb0be'
declare-option str gray1 'rgb:9ca0b0'
declare-option str bright_red %opt{red}
declare-option str bright_green %opt{green}
declare-option str bright_yellow %opt{yellow}
declare-option str bright_blue %opt{blue}
declare-option str bright_cyan %opt{cyan}
declare-option str bright_white %opt{white}
declare-option str foreground %opt{white}
declare-option str background %opt{black2}
# Markup
set-face global title "%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global header "%opt{bright_red}"
set-face global bold "%opt{mauve}"
set-face global italic "%opt{lavender}"
set-face global mono "%opt{green}"
set-face global block "%opt{cyan}"
set-face global link "%opt{green}"
set-face global bullet "%opt{green}"
set-face global list "%opt{white}"
# Builtins
set-face global Default "%opt{white},%opt{background}"
set-face global PrimarySelection "%opt{gray0},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global SecondarySelection "%opt{lavender},%opt{gray0}"
set-face global PrimaryCursor "%opt{background},%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global SecondaryCursor "%opt{black1},%opt{teal}"
set-face global PrimaryCursorEol "%opt{gray0},%opt{mauve}"
set-face global SecondaryCursorEol "%opt{gray0},%opt{maroon}"
set-face global LineNumbers "%opt{gray1},%opt{background}"
set-face global LineNumberCursor "%opt{lavender},%opt{gray0}+b"
set-face global LineNumbersWrapped "%opt{teal},%opt{black1}+i"
set-face global MenuForeground "%opt{white},%opt{gray0}+b"
set-face global MenuBackground "%opt{white},%opt{black3}"
set-face global MenuInfo "%opt{black1},%opt{blue}"
set-face global Information "%opt{black1},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global Error "%opt{red},%opt{black2}"
set-face global StatusLine "%opt{white},%opt{black1}"
set-face global StatusLineMode "%opt{black2},%opt{yellow}"
set-face global StatusLineInfo "%opt{background},%opt{green}"
set-face global StatusLineValue "%opt{orange},%opt{gray0}"
set-face global StatusCursor "%opt{black1},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global Prompt "%opt{green},%opt{black2}"
set-face global MatchingChar "%opt{maroon},%opt{black2}"
set-face global Whitespace "%opt{gray1},%opt{background}+f"
set-face global WrapMarker Whitespace
set-face global BufferPadding "%opt{background},%opt{background}"
# Code
set-face global value "%opt{orange}"
set-face global type "%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global variable "%opt{white}"
set-face global module "%opt{maroon}"
set-face global function "%opt{sky}"
set-face global string "%opt{green}"
set-face global keyword "%opt{blue}"
set-face global operator "%opt{blue}"
set-face global attribute "%opt{green}"
set-face global comment "%opt{gray1}"
set-face global documentation comment
set-face global meta "%opt{pink}"
set-face global builtin "%opt{lavender}+b"

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
# Catppuccin theme for Kakoune
# Color palette
declare-option str rosewater 'rgb:f4dbd6'
declare-option str red 'rgb:ed8796'
declare-option str mauve 'rgb:c6a0f6'
declare-option str maroon 'rgb:ee99a0'
declare-option str pink 'rgb:f5bde6'
declare-option str cyan 'rgb:7dc4e4'
declare-option str yellow 'rgb:eed49f'
declare-option str green 'rgb:a6da95'
declare-option str white 'rgb:cad3f5'
declare-option str blue 'rgb:8aadf4'
declare-option str sky 'rgb:91d7e3'
declare-option str lavender 'rgb:b7bdf8'
declare-option str black1 'rgb:1e2030'
declare-option str black2 'rgb:24273a'
declare-option str black3 'rgb:363a4f'
declare-option str orange 'rgb:f5a97f'
declare-option str teal 'rgb:8bd5ca'
declare-option str gray0 'rgb:5b6078'
declare-option str gray1 'rgb:6e738d'
declare-option str bright_red %opt{red}
declare-option str bright_green %opt{green}
declare-option str bright_yellow %opt{yellow}
declare-option str bright_blue %opt{blue}
declare-option str bright_cyan %opt{cyan}
declare-option str bright_white %opt{white}
declare-option str foreground %opt{white}
declare-option str background %opt{black2}
# Markup
set-face global title "%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global header "%opt{bright_red}"
set-face global bold "%opt{mauve}"
set-face global italic "%opt{lavender}"
set-face global mono "%opt{green}"
set-face global block "%opt{cyan}"
set-face global link "%opt{green}"
set-face global bullet "%opt{green}"
set-face global list "%opt{white}"
# Builtins
set-face global Default "%opt{white},%opt{background}"
set-face global PrimarySelection "%opt{gray0},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global SecondarySelection "%opt{lavender},%opt{gray0}"
set-face global PrimaryCursor "%opt{background},%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global SecondaryCursor "%opt{black1},%opt{teal}"
set-face global PrimaryCursorEol "%opt{gray0},%opt{mauve}"
set-face global SecondaryCursorEol "%opt{gray0},%opt{maroon}"
set-face global LineNumbers "%opt{gray1},%opt{background}"
set-face global LineNumberCursor "%opt{lavender},%opt{gray0}+b"
set-face global LineNumbersWrapped "%opt{teal},%opt{black1}+i"
set-face global MenuForeground "%opt{white},%opt{gray0}+b"
set-face global MenuBackground "%opt{white},%opt{black3}"
set-face global MenuInfo "%opt{black1},%opt{blue}"
set-face global Information "%opt{black1},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global Error "%opt{red},%opt{black2}"
set-face global StatusLine "%opt{white},%opt{black1}"
set-face global StatusLineMode "%opt{black2},%opt{yellow}"
set-face global StatusLineInfo "%opt{background},%opt{green}"
set-face global StatusLineValue "%opt{orange},%opt{gray0}"
set-face global StatusCursor "%opt{black1},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global Prompt "%opt{green},%opt{black2}"
set-face global MatchingChar "%opt{maroon},%opt{black2}"
set-face global Whitespace "%opt{gray1},%opt{background}+f"
set-face global WrapMarker Whitespace
set-face global BufferPadding "%opt{background},%opt{background}"
# Code
set-face global value "%opt{orange}"
set-face global type "%opt{pink}"
set-face global variable "%opt{white}"
set-face global module "%opt{mauve}"
set-face global function "%opt{sky}"
set-face global string "%opt{green}"
set-face global keyword "%opt{blue}"
set-face global operator "%opt{blue}"
set-face global attribute "%opt{green}"
set-face global comment "%opt{gray1}"
set-face global documentation comment
set-face global meta "%opt{pink}"
set-face global builtin "%opt{lavender}+b"

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
# Catppuccin theme for Kakoune
# Color palette
declare-option str rosewater 'rgb:f5e0dc'
declare-option str red 'rgb:f38ba8'
declare-option str mauve 'rgb:cba6f7'
declare-option str maroon 'rgb:eba0ac'
declare-option str pink 'rgb:f5c2e7'
declare-option str cyan 'rgb:74c7ec'
declare-option str yellow 'rgb:f9e2af'
declare-option str green 'rgb:a6e3a1'
declare-option str white 'rgb:cdd6f4'
declare-option str blue 'rgb:89b4fa'
declare-option str sky 'rgb:89dceb'
declare-option str lavender 'rgb:b4befe'
declare-option str black1 'rgb:181825'
declare-option str black2 'rgb:1e1e2e'
declare-option str black3 'rgb:313244'
declare-option str orange 'rgb:fab387'
declare-option str teal 'rgb:94e2d5'
declare-option str gray0 'rgb:585b70'
declare-option str gray1 'rgb:6c7086'
declare-option str bright_red %opt{red}
declare-option str bright_green %opt{green}
declare-option str bright_yellow %opt{yellow}
declare-option str bright_blue %opt{blue}
declare-option str bright_cyan %opt{cyan}
declare-option str bright_white %opt{white}
declare-option str foreground %opt{white}
declare-option str background %opt{black2}
# Markup
set-face global title "%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global header "%opt{bright_red}"
set-face global bold "%opt{mauve}"
set-face global italic "%opt{lavender}"
set-face global mono "%opt{green}"
set-face global block "%opt{cyan}"
set-face global link "%opt{green}"
set-face global bullet "%opt{green}"
set-face global list "%opt{white}"
# Builtins
set-face global Default "%opt{white},%opt{background}"
set-face global PrimarySelection "%opt{gray0},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global SecondarySelection "%opt{lavender},%opt{gray0}"
set-face global PrimaryCursor "%opt{background},%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global SecondaryCursor "%opt{black1},%opt{teal}"
set-face global PrimaryCursorEol "%opt{gray0},%opt{mauve}"
set-face global SecondaryCursorEol "%opt{gray0},%opt{maroon}"
set-face global LineNumbers "%opt{gray1},%opt{background}"
set-face global LineNumberCursor "%opt{lavender},%opt{gray0}+b"
set-face global LineNumbersWrapped "%opt{teal},%opt{black1}+i"
set-face global MenuForeground "%opt{white},%opt{gray0}+b"
set-face global MenuBackground "%opt{white},%opt{black3}"
set-face global MenuInfo "%opt{black1},%opt{blue}"
set-face global Information "%opt{black1},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global Error "%opt{red},%opt{black2}"
set-face global StatusLine "%opt{white},%opt{black1}"
set-face global StatusLineMode "%opt{black2},%opt{yellow}"
set-face global StatusLineInfo "%opt{background},%opt{green}"
set-face global StatusLineValue "%opt{orange},%opt{gray0}"
set-face global StatusCursor "%opt{black1},%opt{lavender}"
set-face global Prompt "%opt{green},%opt{black2}"
set-face global MatchingChar "%opt{maroon},%opt{black2}"
set-face global Whitespace "%opt{gray1},%opt{background}+f"
set-face global WrapMarker Whitespace
set-face global BufferPadding "%opt{background},%opt{background}"
# Code
set-face global value "%opt{orange}"
set-face global type "%opt{rosewater}"
set-face global variable "%opt{white}"
set-face global module "%opt{maroon}"
set-face global function "%opt{sky}"
set-face global string "%opt{green}"
set-face global keyword "%opt{blue}"
set-face global operator "%opt{blue}"
set-face global attribute "%opt{green}"
set-face global comment "%opt{gray1}"
set-face global documentation comment
set-face global meta "%opt{pink}"
set-face global builtin "%opt{lavender}+b"

View File

@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
# ------------------
# Plugin Setup
# ------------------
# I needed to open kakoune and type ':plug-install' to actually
# install the plugins listed in this file. I did not see this
# mentioned in wikis or anything, so make sure to do this to
# avoid searching github wikis and reddit needlessly.
# Creates the /plugins folder if it doesnt exist each startup
evaluate-commands %sh{
mkdir -p "$plugins"
[ ! -e "$plugins/plug.kak" ] && \
git clone -q "$plugins/plug.kak"
printf "%s\n" "source '$plugins/plug.kak/rc/plug.kak'"
plug "andreyorst/plug.kak" noload
# ------------------
# Editor Settings
# ------------------
# Disables startup message showing
set-option global startup_info_version 30000000
set-option global tabstop 4
set-option global indentwidth 4
set-option global scrolloff 5,3
declare-option str kakrc_path "~/.config/kak/kakrc"
declare-option str sway_conf_path "~/.config/sway/config.d/default"
declare-option str shell_config "~/.zshrc"
# plug "catppuccin/kakoune" theme config %{
# colorscheme catppuccin_macchiato
# }
colorscheme catppuccin_macchiato
# relative line numbers
hook global BufCreate .* %{
add-highlighter buffer/ number-lines -hlcursor
# Git Gutters
hook global WinCreate .* %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
if [ $kak_buffile != $kak_bufname ] && git ls-files --error-unmatch "$kak_buffile" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "git show-diff"
# Write on unfocus
hook global FocusOut .* %{ try %{
hook global BufWritePost .* %{ evaluate-commands 'git update-diff' }
hook global BufReload .* %{ evaluate-commands 'git update-diff' }
# Add default,red and bold style to these regex matches
add-highlighter global/ regex \b(TODO|FIXME|XXX|NOTE)\b 0:default,red+rb
# ------------------
# Key bindings
# ------------------
# Remap hjkl navigation to colemak-dh layout
map global normal n h
map global normal e k
map global normal i j
map global normal o l
map global normal N H
map global normal E K
map global normal I J
map global normal O L
# Remap insert command
map global normal h i
# Insert line above or below
map global normal l o
map global normal L O
# No alt, remap
map global normal <c-f> <a-f> -docstring 'same as [f] but in the other direction'
map global normal <c-t> <a-t> -docstring 'same as [t] but in the other direction'
map global normal <c-n> <a-h> -docstring 'select to beginning of line'
map global normal <c-o> <a-l> -docstring 'select to end of line'
map global normal <c-s> <a-s> -docstring 'split selections on line boundaries'
map global normal <c-S> <a-S> -docstring 'select first and last character of each selection'
map global normal '<c-;>' '<a-;>' -docstring 'flip direction of each selection'
map global normal <c-:> <a-:> -docstring 'ensure selections are in forward direction (cursor then anchor)'
map global normal <c-,> <a-,> -docstring 'clear the main selection'
# Scrolling remap
map global normal <c-e> <pageup> -docstring 'Scroll screen up'
map global normal <c-i> <pagedown> -docstring 'Scroll screen down'
map global normal <c-/> ':comment-line<ret>' -docstring 'comment selected lines'
# Ctrl-s to save
map global normal <c-s> ':w<ret>' -docstring 'write buffer'
# Ctrl-x to save and exit
map global normal <c-x> ':w<ret>:db<ret>' -docstring 'write close buffer'
# Colemak goto remappings
map global goto n h -docstring 'line start'
map global goto o l -docstring 'line end'
map global goto e k -docstring 'buffer top'
map global goto i j -docstring 'buffer bottom'
map global goto h n
map global goto l o
map global goto k e
map global goto j i
# Remap view keys
map global view n h
map global view o l
map global view e k
map global view i j
map global normal ( ': buffer-previous<ret>' -docstring 'prev buffer'
map global normal ) ': buffer-next<ret>' -docstring 'next buffer'
# map global normal [ ( -docstring 'rotate main selection'
# map global normal ] ) -docstring 'rotate main selection backwards'
# Make x select <param> lines up and down
def -params 1 extend-line-down %{
exec "<a-:>%arg{1}J"
def -params 1 extend-line-up %{
exec "<a-:><a-;>%arg{1}K<a-;>"
try %{
exec -draft ';<a-K>\n<ret>'
exec X
exec '<a-;><a-X>'
map global normal x ':extend-line-down %val{count}<ret>'
map global normal X ':extend-line-up %val{count}<ret>'
map global normal k n -docstring 'next result'
map global normal K N -docstring 'next result add selection'
map global normal <a-k> <c-n> -docstring 'prev result'
map global normal <a-K> <c-N> -docstring 'prev result add selection'
map global insert <down> <c-n> -docstring 'next completion'
map global insert <up> <c-p> -docstring 'prev completion'
# User Mode Bindings
# Accessed with <space>
declare-user-mode git
map global user g ': enter-user-mode git<ret>' -docstring "Git mode"
map global user p '<a-!>wl-paste -n<ret>' -docstring 'paste from system clip board'
hook global RegisterModified '"' %{ nop %sh{
printf %s "$kak_main_reg_dquote" | wl-copy > /dev/null 2>&1 &
# Open kakrc, double quotes needed to ecsape the kakrc_path option
map global user o ":edit %opt{kakrc_path}<ret>" -docstring 'open kakrc'
map global user z ":edit %opt{shell_config}<ret>" -docstring 'open shell config'
map global user S ":edit %opt{sway_conf_path}<ret>" -docstring 'open wm config'
# Git Mode Bindings
map global git d '<esc>:git show-diff<ret>' -docstring "Show diff"
# -----------------
# LSP Configuration
# -----------------
plug "kak-lsp/kak-lsp" do %{
cargo install --locked --force --path .
mkdir -p ~/.config/kak-lsp
cp -n kak-lsp.toml ~/.config/kak-lsp/
} config %{
# enable inlay hints
lsp-inlay-hints-enable global
lsp-inlay-diagnostics-enable global
# set global lsp_diagnostic_line_error_sign '║'
# set global lsp_diagnostic_line_warning_sign '┊'
define-command lsp-restart -docstring 'restart lsp server' %{ lsp-stop; lsp-start }
map global insert <tab> '<a-;>:try lsp-snippets-select-next-placeholders catch %{ execute-keys -with-hooks <lt>tab> }<ret>' -docstring 'Select next snippet placeholder'
map global object a '<a-semicolon>lsp-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP any symbol'
map global object <a-a> '<a-semicolon>lsp-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP any symbol'
map global object e '<a-semicolon>lsp-object Function Method<ret>' -docstring 'LSP function or method'
map global object k '<a-semicolon>lsp-object Class Interface Struct<ret>' -docstring 'LSP class interface or struct'
map global object d '<a-semicolon>lsp-diagnostic-object --include-warnings<ret>' -docstring 'LSP errors and warnings'
map global object D '<a-semicolon>lsp-diagnostic-object<ret>' -docstring 'LSP errors'
# load lsp for supported filetypes
set-option global lsp_cmd "kak-lsp -s %val{session} -vvv --log /tmp/kak-lsp.log"
hook global WinSetOption filetype=(rust|python|go|javascript|typescript|c|cpp|zig|dart|ruby) %{
# lsp-auto-hover-enable
map global user l ': enter-user-mode lsp<ret>' -docstring 'lsp mode'
map global user h ': enter-user-mode lsp<ret>h' -docstring 'lsp help'
map global user a ': enter-user-mode lsp<ret>a' -docstring 'lsp code action'
set-option global lsp_hover_anchor false
hook global KakEnd .* lsp-exit
# -----------------
# Other Plugins
# -----------------
map global goto f '<esc>:prompt -shell-script-candidates %{ fd --type f --hidden } file: %{ edit %val{text} }<ret>' -docstring "file"
map global goto b '<esc>:prompt -buffer-completion buffer: %{ buffer %val{text} }<ret>' -docstring "buffer"
# Fzf Plugin
plug "andreyorst/fzf.kak" config %{
# map global user f ':fzf-mode<ret>v' -docstring 'fzf file in project'
map global user b ':fzf-mode<ret>b' -docstring 'fzf current buffers'
map global user / ':fzf-mode<ret>g' -docstring 'fzf search in project'
# def fzf_file %{
# evaluate-commands %sh{
# printf "%s\n" ":fzf-mode<ret><esc>:fzf -items-cmd fd<ret>"
# }
# }
# Change FZF colors
# --color=bg+:#313244,bg:#1e1e2e,spinner:#f5e0dc,hl:#f38ba8 \
# --color=fg:#cdd6f4,header:#f38ba8,info:#cba6f7,pointer:#f5e0dc \
# --color=marker:#f5e0dc,fg+:#cdd6f4,prompt:#cba6f7,hl+:#f38ba8"
plug "alexherbo2/auto-pairs.kak" %{
plug ""
map global normal <c-m> ':surround<ret>'
# Custom scripts
source "~/.config/kak/rc/fzf_git.kak"

View File

@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
define-command fzzf -params .. %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $1 in
(-items-cmd) shift; items_cmd="$1" ;;
# fzf_tmp=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/fzfgit.kak.XXXXXX)
# fzfcmd="${fzf_tmp}/fzfcmd"
# result="${fzf_tmp}/result"
# (
# shell_path="$(command -v sh)"
# if [ -n "${shell_path}" ]; then
# # portable shebang
# printf "%s\n" "#!${shell_path}"
# # set SHELL because fzf preview uses it
# printf "%s\n" "SHELL=${shell_path}"
# fi
# # compose entire fzf command with all args into single file which will be executed later
# # printf "%s\n" "export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=\"${kak_opt_fzf_default_opts:-}\""
# printf "%s\n" "cd \"${PWD}\" && $items_cmd | fzf > $result"
# printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} edit -existing $file" | kak -p "${kak_session}"
# printf "%s\n" "rm ${fzfcmd}"
# printf "%s\n" "fg"
# ) >> "${fzfcmd}"
# chmod 755 "${fzfcmd}"
kill -TSTP $kak_client_pid
cd `pwd` && $items_cmd | \
fzf | \
xargs printf "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} edit -existing %s\n" | \
kak -p
# cmd="terminal $fzfcmd"
# Tells kakoune to open a terminal and run $fzfcmd
# printf "%s\n" "$fzfcmd"
# ( while [ -e "${fzfcmd}" ]; do sleep 0.1; done
# # printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} edit -existing ~/out.txt" | kak -p "${kak_session}"
# if [ -s "${result}" ]; then
# file=$(cat $result)
# printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} edit -existing $file" | kak -p "${kak_session}"
# fi
# rm -rf $fzf_temp
# ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &
# Bring kakoune back into the foreground
# define-command fzf-project %{ fzzf -items-cmd 'fd -tfile' }
# map global user f ':fzf-project<ret>' -docstring 'fzf current project'

View File

@ -17,5 +17,5 @@ QuietSuccess=true
[PasswordGenerator] [PasswordGenerator]
AdditionalChars= AdditionalChars=
ExcludedChars= ExcludedChars=
Length=25 Length=20
SpecialChars=false SpecialChars=false

View File

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
font=UbuntuMono 12.5
progress-color=over #eceff480

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash #!/bin/bash
entries="Logout Suspend Reboot Shutdown" entries="Logout Suspend Reboot Shutdown"

flake.lock generated
View File

@ -1,5 +1,43 @@
{ {
"nodes": { "nodes": {
"firefox-addons": {
"inputs": {
"flake-utils": "flake-utils",
"nixpkgs": [
"locked": {
"dir": "pkgs/firefox-addons",
"lastModified": 1702612985,
"narHash": "sha256-dnlw/lHJO2Fk/jUHzkz4dYKHF4nQxmHps9Jx8zldoo4=",
"owner": "rycee",
"repo": "nur-expressions",
"rev": "ae18cb76153e8dda888a313daac932ba358002ae",
"type": "gitlab"
"original": {
"dir": "pkgs/firefox-addons",
"owner": "rycee",
"repo": "nur-expressions",
"type": "gitlab"
"flake-utils": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1629284811,
"narHash": "sha256-JHgasjPR0/J1J3DRm4KxM4zTyAj4IOJY8vIl75v/kPI=",
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"rev": "c5d161cc0af116a2e17f54316f0bf43f0819785c",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"type": "github"
"home-manager": { "home-manager": {
"inputs": { "inputs": {
"nixpkgs": [ "nixpkgs": [
@ -7,11 +45,11 @@
] ]
}, },
"locked": { "locked": {
"lastModified": 1702735279, "lastModified": 1702538064,
"narHash": "sha256-SztEzDOE/6bDNnWWvnRbSHPVrgewLwdSei1sxoZFejM=", "narHash": "sha256-At5GwJPu2tzvS9dllhBoZmqK6lkkh/sOp2YefWRlaL8=",
"owner": "nix-community", "owner": "nix-community",
"repo": "home-manager", "repo": "home-manager",
"rev": "e9b9ecef4295a835ab073814f100498716b05a96", "rev": "0e2e443ff24f9d75925e91b89d1da44b863734af",
"type": "github" "type": "github"
}, },
"original": { "original": {
@ -20,26 +58,6 @@
"type": "github" "type": "github"
} }
}, },
"nix-ld": {
"inputs": {
"nixpkgs": [
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1701153607,
"narHash": "sha256-h+odOVyiGmEERMECoFOj5P7FPiMR8IPRzroFA4sKivg=",
"owner": "Mic92",
"repo": "nix-ld",
"rev": "bf5aa84a713c31d95b4307e442e966d6c7fd7ae7",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "Mic92",
"repo": "nix-ld",
"type": "github"
"nixpkgs": { "nixpkgs": {
"locked": { "locked": {
"lastModified": 1702312524, "lastModified": 1702312524,
@ -72,28 +90,12 @@
"type": "github" "type": "github"
} }
}, },
"nur": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1702770334,
"narHash": "sha256-MVILxIF9ZVIk0f9w3yYZpy8auwxgey0MFzdoIFFvQNU=",
"owner": "nix-community",
"repo": "NUR",
"rev": "1d37444620523278aa163bb9e30104f5d1152061",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "nix-community",
"repo": "NUR",
"type": "github"
"root": { "root": {
"inputs": { "inputs": {
"firefox-addons": "firefox-addons",
"home-manager": "home-manager", "home-manager": "home-manager",
"nix-ld": "nix-ld",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs", "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs",
"nixpkgs-stable": "nixpkgs-stable", "nixpkgs-stable": "nixpkgs-stable"
"nur": "nur"
} }
} }
}, },

View File

@ -6,25 +6,18 @@
nixpkgs-stable.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11"; nixpkgs-stable.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11";
nix-ld = {
url = "github:Mic92/nix-ld";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
nur.url = "github:nix-community/NUR";
home-manager = { home-manager = {
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager"; url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
}; };
# firefox-addons = { firefox-addons = {
# url = "gitlab:rycee/nur-expressions?dir=pkgs/firefox-addons"; url = "gitlab:rycee/nur-expressions?dir=pkgs/firefox-addons";
# inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
# }; };
}; };
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixpkgs-stable, nix-ld, nur, home-manager, ... } @ inputs: outputs = { self, nixpkgs, nixpkgs-stable, home-manager, ... } @ inputs:
let let
inherit (self) outputs; inherit (self) outputs;
system = "x86_64-linux"; system = "x86_64-linux";
@ -44,7 +37,6 @@
nixServer = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { nixServer = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
specialArgs = { inherit inputs; }; specialArgs = { inherit inputs; };
modules = [ modules = [
# nixpkgs.overlays = [ nur.overlay ];
./nixos/server_configuration.nix ./nixos/server_configuration.nix
inputs.home-manager.nixosModules.default inputs.home-manager.nixosModules.default
]; ];
@ -52,12 +44,10 @@
nixDesktop = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem { nixDesktop = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
# Pass args to desktop configuration # Pass args to desktop configuration
specialArgs = { specialArgs = {
inherit inputs outputs userName hostName desktop timeZone gaming system; inherit inputs outputs userName hostName desktop timeZone gaming;
}; };
modules = [ modules = [
./nixos/desktop_configuration.nix ./nixos/desktop_configuration.nix
# Setup nix-ld
# Setup home manager # Setup home manager
home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager { home-manager.nixosModules.home-manager {
home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true; home-manager.useGlobalPkgs = true;

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
{lib, config, pkgs, inputs, ...}:
cfg = config.firefoxApp;
# imports = [
# inputs.nur.hmModules.nur
# ];
options.firefoxApp = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "enable firefox browser";
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
programs.firefox = {
enable = true;
profiles = {
default = {
id = 0;
name = "default";
isDefault = true;
extensions = with pkgs; [
search = {
# Replace default firefox search engine config with this one
force = true;
default = "Startpage";
engines = {
"Startpage" = {
urls = [{
template = "{searchTerms}";
settings = {
"browser.startup.blankWindow" = true;
"browser.startup.homepage" = "about:blank";
"" = "US";
"" = true;
"distribution.searchplugins.defaultLocale" = "en-US";
"general.useragent.locale" = "en-US";
"extensions.activeThemeID" = "{831b8843-7251-4306-9521-e688f18b4aeb}";
"privacy.trackingprotection.enable" = true;
"privacy.trackingprotection.emailtracking.enable" = true;
"privacy.trackingprotection.socialtracking.enable" = true;
"privacy.clearOnShutdown.cookies" = true;
"browser.safebrowsing.passwords.enabled" = false;
"browser.migrate.interactions.passwords" = false;
"pref.privacy.disable_button.view_passwords" = false;
"signon.rememberSignon" = false;
"extensions.formautofill.creditCards.enabled" = false;
"extensions.formautofill.addresses.enabled" = false;
# "browser.bookmarks.showMobileBookmarks" = true;
# "browser.newtabpage.pinned" = [{
# title = "NixOS";
# url = "";
# }];

View File

@ -4,15 +4,8 @@
# manage. # manage.
# #
# nixpkgs.overlays = [
# inputs.nur.overlay
# ];
# nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; # nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
# inputs.nixpkgs-stable.config.allowUnfree = true; # inputs.nixpkgs-stable.config.allowUnfree = true;
imports = [
home.username = userName; home.username = userName;
home.homeDirectory = "/home/${userName}"; home.homeDirectory = "/home/${userName}";
@ -23,21 +16,29 @@
# The home.packages option allows you to install Nix packages into your # The home.packages option allows you to install Nix packages into your
# environment. # environment.
firefoxApp.enable = true;
fonts.fontconfig.enable = true; fonts.fontconfig.enable = true;
home.packages = with pkgs; [ home.packages = with pkgs; [
# nur.repos.crazazy.js.eslint bat
# inputs.nixpkgs-stable.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.corectrl inputs.nixpkgs-stable.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.corectrl
# kakoune fd
keepassxc keepassxc
obs-studio obs-studio
signal-desktop signal-desktop
# steam
waybar waybar
wofi wofi
xfce.thunar xfce.thunar
# Install fonts # Install fonts
(nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "Hermit" "Overpass" ]; }) (nerdfonts.override { fonts = [ "Hermit" "Overpass" ]; })
# # You can also create simple shell scripts directly inside your # # You can also create simple shell scripts directly inside your
# # configuration. For example, this adds a command 'my-hello' to your # # configuration. For example, this adds a command 'my-hello' to your
@ -82,7 +83,6 @@
# #
home.sessionVariables = { home.sessionVariables = {
EDITOR = "kak"; EDITOR = "kak";
}; };
wayland.windowManager.sway = { wayland.windowManager.sway = {
@ -121,26 +121,6 @@
plugins = [ "git" ]; plugins = [ "git" ];
theme = "half-life"; theme = "half-life";
}; };
initExtra = ''
alias ask="nix-shell -p python310Packages.openai --run 'python ~/source/python/'"
fzf_projects() {
fd .git --search-path="$HOME/source/" -H --ignore-file ~/.config/fd-ignore -tdirectory | \
xargs dirname | \
sed 's|$HOME||g' | \
sort | \
uniq | \
fzf --preview 'ls $HOME/{}/ 2>/dev/null && bat $HOME/{}/ || printf "No file found in this directory\n%s" {}' --preview-window=top | \
xargs printf "$HOME/%s/"
cd $DIR
alias p="fzf_projects source/"
### Busykid Bash Functions
}; };
} }

View File

@ -19,17 +19,9 @@
}; };
## Configuration
config = lib.mkIf config.swaywm.enable { config = lib.mkIf config.swaywm.enable {
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = config.swaywm.useNonFree; nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = config.swaywm.useNonFree;
# For R2ModMan
nixpkgs.config.permittedInsecurePackages = [
### ###
## XDG portal setup ## XDG portal setup
@ -56,25 +48,24 @@
### ###
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; lib.lists.flatten [ environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; lib.lists.flatten [
[ [
git git
glib # gsettings glib # gsettings
grim grim
pavucontrol pavucontrol
slurp slurp
swaylock swaylock
swayidle swayidle
wl-clipboard wl-clipboard
xdg-utils xdg-utils
zsh zsh
# Fonts # Add to gaming only installs
# Video utils
] ]
config.swaywm.systemPackages config.swaywm.systemPackages
# (lib.mkIf config.swaywm.installGaming [ # (lib.mkIf config.swaywm.installGaming [
@ -82,25 +73,12 @@
# ]) # ])
]; ];
# Thunar config
programs.thunar = {
enable = true;
plugins = with pkgs.xfce; [
programs.file-roller.enable = true;
programs.xfconf.enable = true;
programs.zsh.enable = true; programs.zsh.enable = true;
programs.steam.enable = config.swaywm.installGaming; programs.steam.enable = config.swaywm.installGaming;
### ###
## Services ## Services
### ###
services.gvfs.enable = true; # thunar functionalities
services.openssh.enable = true; services.openssh.enable = true;
services.dbus.enable = true; services.dbus.enable = true;
services.pipewire = { services.pipewire = {
@ -112,6 +90,17 @@
# kdeconnect setup # kdeconnect setup
programs.kdeconnect.enable = true; programs.kdeconnect.enable = true;
# Firewall
# networking.firewall = {
# enable = true;
# allowedTCPPortRanges = [
# {from = 1714; to = 1764;} # KDE Connnect
# ];
# allowedUDPPortRanges = [
# {from = 1714; to = 1764;} # KDE Connnect
# ];
# };
### ###
## Misc ## Misc
### ###

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
{ lib, config, pkgs, ... }:
cfg = config.main_user;
options.main_user = {
enable = lib.mkEnableOption "enable user module";
isDesktopUser = lib.mkOption {
default = false;
example = true;
description = "Add additional user groups for desktop users";
userName = lib.mkOption {
default = "mainuser";
description = "username";
config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
users.users.${cfg.userName} = lib.mkMerge [
isNormalUser = true;
initialPassword = "password";
description = "main user";
shell = pkgs.zsh;
(lib.mkIf (!cfg.isDesktopUser) {
extraGroups = [
(lib.mkIf cfg.isDesktopUser {
extraGroups = [
# For android

View File

@ -44,8 +44,6 @@ in
cfg.userName cfg.userName
"video" "video"
"audio" "audio"
# For android
]; ];
}) })
]; ];

View File

@ -19,9 +19,6 @@
"nix-command" "flakes" "nix-command" "flakes"
]; ];
programs.nix-ld.enable = true;
system.stateVersion = "23.11"; # Did you read the comment? system.stateVersion = "23.11"; # Did you read the comment?
} }

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ config, lib, inputs, outputs, pkgs, userName, hostName, desktop, timeZone, gaming, system, ... }: { config, lib, inputs, outputs, pkgs, userName, hostName, desktop, timeZone, gaming, ... }:
let let
supportedDesktops = [ "sway" ]; supportedDesktops = [ "sway" ];
@ -12,15 +12,10 @@ in
} }
]; ];
nixpkgs.overlays = [
imports = [ # Include the results of the hardware scan. imports = [ # Include the results of the hardware scan.
./hardware-configuration.nix ./hardware-configuration.nix
../modules/user/main_user.nix ../modules/user/main_user.nix
../modules/sway/sway_conf.nix ../modules/sway/sway_conf.nix
# inputs.nur.hmModules.nur
]; ];
# Enable flakes feature # Enable flakes feature
@ -28,8 +23,6 @@ in
"nix-command" "flakes" "nix-command" "flakes"
]; ];
# = true;
# nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; # nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
# Use the systemd-boot EFI boot loader. # Use the systemd-boot EFI boot loader.
@ -51,72 +44,10 @@ in
enable = desktop == "sway"; enable = desktop == "sway";
useNonFree = true; useNonFree = true;
installGaming = gaming; installGaming = gaming;
systemPackages = with pkgs; [ systemPackages = [
# pkgs.libreoffice
# Dev Tools
# flutter
### LSP's
rnix-lsp # Nix LSP
vscode-langservers-extracted # provides eslint, markdown, json, css, and html lsp
### Misc
# android-udev-rules
# android-tools
# sdkmanager
# Productivity
# Gaming
# Better Unix
# Photo / Video
# Work
]; ];
}; };
programs.adb.enable = true;
system.stateVersion = "23.11"; # Did you read the comment? system.stateVersion = "23.11"; # Did you read the comment?
} }

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
[ (modulesPath + "/installer/scan/not-detected.nix") [ (modulesPath + "/installer/scan/not-detected.nix")
]; ];
boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "xhci_pci" "ahci" "usbhid" "uas" "usb_storage" "sd_mod" ]; boot.initrd.availableKernelModules = [ "xhci_pci" "ahci" "usbhid" "usb_storage" "uas" "sd_mod" ];
boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ ]; boot.initrd.kernelModules = [ ];
boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-amd" ]; boot.kernelModules = [ "kvm-amd" ];
boot.extraModulePackages = [ ]; boot.extraModulePackages = [ ];
@ -23,11 +23,6 @@
fsType = "vfat"; fsType = "vfat";
}; };
fileSystems."/home/nate/Games" =
{ device = "/dev/disk/by-uuid/d66b7920-2c29-400a-be51-0b3890ea63db";
fsType = "ext4";
swapDevices = [ ]; swapDevices = [ ];
# Enables DHCP on each ethernet and wireless interface. In case of scripted networking # Enables DHCP on each ethernet and wireless interface. In case of scripted networking