
61 lines
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2023-12-18 20:12:41 -07:00
define-command fzzf -params .. %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case $1 in
(-items-cmd) shift; items_cmd="$1" ;;
# fzf_tmp=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/fzfgit.kak.XXXXXX)
# fzfcmd="${fzf_tmp}/fzfcmd"
# result="${fzf_tmp}/result"
# (
# shell_path="$(command -v sh)"
# if [ -n "${shell_path}" ]; then
# # portable shebang
# printf "%s\n" "#!${shell_path}"
# # set SHELL because fzf preview uses it
# printf "%s\n" "SHELL=${shell_path}"
# fi
# # compose entire fzf command with all args into single file which will be executed later
# # printf "%s\n" "export FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS=\"${kak_opt_fzf_default_opts:-}\""
# printf "%s\n" "cd \"${PWD}\" && $items_cmd | fzf > $result"
# printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} edit -existing $file" | kak -p "${kak_session}"
# printf "%s\n" "rm ${fzfcmd}"
# printf "%s\n" "fg"
# ) >> "${fzfcmd}"
# chmod 755 "${fzfcmd}"
kill -TSTP $kak_client_pid
cd `pwd` && $items_cmd | \
fzf | \
xargs printf "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} edit -existing %s\n" | \
kak -p
# cmd="terminal $fzfcmd"
# Tells kakoune to open a terminal and run $fzfcmd
# printf "%s\n" "$fzfcmd"
# ( while [ -e "${fzfcmd}" ]; do sleep 0.1; done
# # printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} edit -existing ~/out.txt" | kak -p "${kak_session}"
# if [ -s "${result}" ]; then
# file=$(cat $result)
# printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands -client ${kak_client} edit -existing $file" | kak -p "${kak_session}"
# fi
# rm -rf $fzf_temp
# ) > /dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &
# Bring kakoune back into the foreground
# define-command fzf-project %{ fzzf -items-cmd 'fd -tfile' }
# map global user f ':fzf-project<ret>' -docstring 'fzf current project'