# Genius Deck ## Specification A simple web API that manages an in-memory deck of cards. On starting the API, or after sorting, the default sort order from top to bottom is: ``` Suits: Spades > Hearts > Clubs > Diamonds Face Values: 2 > 10 > Jack > Queen > King > Ace ``` Two of Spades is on top, Ace of Diamonds is at the bottom. Source code location where the routes are defined: [here](https://git.fosscat.com/n8r/genius_deck/src/commit/653b309825d2f3d9687126536c70a9124fceaf3b/src/main.zig#L67) Permitted operations are as follows: ### GET `/deal` Takes the top card off the deck and returns it as json ### GET `/cheat` Peaks at the top card of the deck and returns it as json ### POST `/discard` Discards a card previously dealt Expects data in json in the form ```json { "face_value": "Seven", "suite": "Spades" } ``` ### POST `/cut` Cuts the deck at the index provided, either as query params (`/cut?index=10`) or json ```json { "index": 10 } ``` ### POST `/rebuild` Puts the discard pile back into the deck and sorts the resulting deck ### POST `/sort` Orders the deck in the default sort order (see [Specification](#Specification)) ### POST `/shuffle` Shuffles the current deck of cards in random order ## Running You can navigate to the releases to download a prebuilt binary for your platform, or you can run it locally yourself with Zig. You will need to download Zig 0.13.0 from Zig's [releases page](https://ziglang.org/download/), or from your package manager. If you use Nix flakes, a working config with direnv is already present in the repository. ### Deck Method Tests The tests can be run with Zig by running the following command in the root of the project: ```sh zig test src/deck.zig ```