
333 lines
10 KiB

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
import 'package:pdf/pdf.dart';
import 'package:pdf/widgets.dart';
import 'package:toml/toml.dart';
class DartboardData {
required this.fullName,
required this.phoneNumber,
required this.email,
// required this.address,
required this.imagePath,
required this.dartboardTheme,
required this.experiences,
required this.miscList,
factory DartboardData.fromToml(String tomlFilePath) {
final tomlData = TomlDocument.loadSync(tomlFilePath).toMap();
final List<DartboardExperience> exps = tomlData.entries
.where((e) => DartboardExperience.filter(e.value))
.map((MapEntry<String, dynamic> expsEntry) {
final String subsection =
tomlData['${expsEntry.key}_name'] as String? ?? _getSubsectionFromKey(expsEntry.key);
final exps = (expsEntry.value as List).map((e) => e as Map<String, dynamic>).toList();
return exps.map((exp) {
final TomlLocalDate? start = exp['start'] as TomlLocalDate?;
final TomlLocalDate? end = exp['end'] as TomlLocalDate?;
return DartboardExperience(
title: exp['title'] as String,
subsection: subsection,
range: DateRange(
start: start == null ? null : DateTime(start.date.year, start.date.month),
end: end == null ? null : DateTime(end.date.year, end.date.month),
attributes: (exp['attributes'] as List)
.where((e) => e is String && e.isNotEmpty)
.map((e) => DartboardText(content: e as String))
location: exp['location'] as String?,
.expand((i) => i)
final List<DartboardMisc> misc =
tomlData.entries.where((e) => DartboardMisc.filter(e.value)).map((MapEntry<String, dynamic> listEntry) {
final String subsection = tomlData['${listEntry.key}_name'] as String? ?? _getSubsectionFromKey(listEntry.key);
return DartboardMisc(
subsection: subsection,
attributes: (listEntry.value as List)
.map((e) => (e as Map<String, dynamic>)['attributes'] as List)
.expand((i) => i)
.where((e) => e is String && e.isNotEmpty)
.map((e) => DartboardText(content: e as String))
return DartboardData(
fullName: tomlData['full_name'] as String,
phoneNumber: tomlData['phone_number'] as String?,
email: tomlData['email'] as String?,
imagePath: tomlData['image'] as String?,
dartboardTheme: DartboardTheme.fromToml(tomlData),
experiences: exps,
miscList: misc,
final String fullName;
final String? phoneNumber;
final String? email;
final String? imagePath;
final DartboardTheme dartboardTheme;
final List<DartboardExperience> experiences;
final List<DartboardMisc> miscList;
Font get font => dartboardTheme.font;
PdfColor get primaryColor => dartboardTheme.primaryColor;
PdfColor get accentColor => dartboardTheme.accentColor;
PdfColor get backgroundColor => dartboardTheme.backgroundColor;
TextStyle get headerTextStyle =>
TextStyle(fontSize: 18, font: font, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, color: const PdfColorGrey(0.18));
TextStyle get subheaderTextStyle => TextStyle(fontSize: 14, font: font, color: const PdfColorGrey(0.3));
TextStyle get defaultTextStyle => TextStyle(fontSize: 10, font: font, color: const PdfColorGrey(0.45));
Map<String, List<DartboardExperience>> get groupedExperiences {
final Map<String, List<DartboardExperience>> exps = {};
for (final DartboardExperience exp in experiences) {
if (!exps.containsKey(exp.subsection)) {
exps[exp.subsection] = <DartboardExperience>[];
return exps;
Map<String, List<DartboardMisc>> get groupedMisc {
final Map<String, List<DartboardMisc>> miscs = {};
for (final DartboardMisc misc in miscList) {
if (!miscs.containsKey(misc.subsection)) {
miscs[misc.subsection] = <DartboardMisc>[];
return miscs;
int get hashCode {
return Object.hashAll([fullName, phoneNumber, email, imagePath, ...experiences, ...miscList]);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return super.hashCode == other.hashCode;
class DartboardExperience {
required this.subsection,
required this.title,
required this.attributes,
final String subsection;
final String title;
final List<DartboardText> attributes;
final DateRange? range;
String? location;
static bool filter(dynamic e) {
if (e is! List || !e.every((f) => f is Map)) {
return false;
final List<Map<String, dynamic>> entries = e.map((f) => f as Map<String, dynamic>).toList();
return entries.every((f) => f['title'] is String && f['attributes'] is List && f.keys.length >= 2);
int get hashCode {
return Object.hashAll([subsection, title, ...attributes, range]);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return super.hashCode == other.hashCode;
class DateRange {
DateRange({required this.start, required this.end});
final DateTime? start;
final DateTime? end;
String toString() {
final DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat("MMM yyyy");
if (start == null && end == null) {
return '';
if (start == null && end != null) {
return dateFormat.format(end!);
if (start != null && end == null) {
return "${dateFormat.format(start!)} - Current";
return "${dateFormat.format(start!)} - ${dateFormat.format(end!)}";
int get hashCode {
return Object.hashAll([start, end]);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return super.hashCode == other.hashCode;
class DartboardMisc {
DartboardMisc({required this.subsection, required this.attributes});
final String subsection;
final List<DartboardText> attributes;
int get hashCode {
return Object.hashAll([subsection, ...attributes]);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return super.hashCode == other.hashCode;
static bool filter(dynamic e) {
if (e is! List || e.firstOrNull is! Map) {
return false;
final entries = (e.first as Map).entries;
return entries.length == 1 && entries.first.key == 'attributes';
class DartboardTheme {
required this.primaryHex,
required this.accentHex,
required this.backgroundHex,
required this.fontPath,
required this.bulletPoint,
factory DartboardTheme.fromToml(Map<String, dynamic> toml) => DartboardTheme(
primaryHex: (toml['theme'] as Map)['primary_hex'] as String,
accentHex: (toml['theme'] as Map)['accent_hex'] as String,
backgroundHex: (toml['theme'] as Map)['background_hex'] as String,
fontPath: (toml['theme'] as Map)['font'] as String,
bulletPoint: (toml['theme'] as Map)['bullet_point'] as String? ?? '-',
factory DartboardTheme.retro() => DartboardTheme(
primaryHex: "00AA00",
accentHex: "44EE66",
backgroundHex: "FFFFFF",
fontPath: "nerd.ttf",
bulletPoint: '-',
static const double inch = 72.0;
static const double cm = inch / 2.54;
static const double mm = inch / 25.4;
static const width = 21.0 * cm;
static const height = 29.7 * cm;
static const margin = 2.0 * cm;
final String primaryHex;
final String accentHex;
final String backgroundHex;
final String fontPath;
final String bulletPoint;
Font? _font;
PdfColor get primaryColor => PdfColor.fromHex(primaryHex);
PdfColor get accentColor => PdfColor.fromHex(accentHex);
PdfColor get backgroundColor => PdfColor.fromHex(backgroundHex);
Font get font {
_font ??= Font.ttf(File(fontPath).readAsBytesSync().buffer.asByteData());
return _font!;
int get hashCode {
return Object.hashAll([primaryHex, accentHex, backgroundHex, fontPath, bulletPoint]);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return super.hashCode == other.hashCode;
enum DartboardTextType { normal, linkText }
typedef DartboardTextLinkData = ({String text, String? url, DartboardTextType type});
/// Automatically detects and parses strings with hypertext in a markdown format
class DartboardText {
DartboardText({required this.content});
final String content;
static final _markdownLinkRegex = RegExp(r'\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)');
bool get hasLinkMarkup => _markdownLinkRegex.hasMatch(content);
List<DartboardTextLinkData> toTextLinkList() {
final markdownLinkRegex = RegExp(r'\[(.*?)\]\((.*?)\)');
if (markdownLinkRegex.hasMatch(content)) {
final matches = markdownLinkRegex.allMatches(content).toList();
final List<DartboardTextLinkData> stringSections = [];
int prevStartIndex = 0;
while (matches.isNotEmpty) {
final match = matches.removeAt(0);
.add((text: content.substring(prevStartIndex, match.start), url: null, type: DartboardTextType.normal));
stringSections.add((text: match.group(1)!, url: match.group(2), type: DartboardTextType.linkText));
prevStartIndex = match.end;
.add((text: content.substring(prevStartIndex, content.length), url: null, type: DartboardTextType.normal));
return stringSections;
} else {
return [(text: content, url: null, type: DartboardTextType.normal)];
// return Text("${bulletString != null ? '$bulletString ' : ''}$content", style: style);
int get hashCode {
return Object.hashAll([content]);
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return super.hashCode == other.hashCode;
String _getSubsectionFromKey(String key) {
switch (key) {
case 'exp':
return 'Experience';
case 'misc':
return 'Miscelaneous';
case 'edu':
return 'Education';
case '':
return '';