import 'dart:io'; import 'package:dartboard_resume/dartboard_parser.dart'; import 'package:dartboard_resume/dartboard_widgets.dart'; import 'package:pdf/pdf.dart'; import 'package:pdf/widgets.dart'; import 'package:toml/toml.dart'; int? lastDartboardHash; Future renderPdf(String tomlFilePath, {bool force = false}) async { try { final start =; final dartboardData = DartboardData.fromToml(tomlFilePath); if (lastDartboardHash == dartboardData.hashCode && !force) { return; } lastDartboardHash = dartboardData.hashCode; stdout.writeln("Detected change:\nRendering with new dartboard data: $lastDartboardHash"); final pdfFuture = Document()..addPage(_generatePdfPage(dartboardData: dartboardData, renderNs: 0)); await; final renderNs = - start; final pdf = Document(); pdf.addPage(_generatePdfPage(dartboardData: dartboardData, renderNs: renderNs)); final file = File("example.pdf"); final bytes = await; stdout.writeln('New pdf file saved.'); file.writeAsBytesSync(bytes); stdout.writeln('Reloading llpp...'); Process.runSync('pkill', ['-HUP', 'llpp']); UrlFootnotes().reset(); } catch (e, st) { stderr.writeln('Encountered error: $e'); stderr.writeln(st); try { stderr.writeln('Current toml map:\n${TomlDocument.loadSync(tomlFilePath).toMap()}'); } catch (_) { stderr.writeln('Cannot display current toml map'); } } } Page _generatePdfPage({required DartboardData dartboardData, required int renderNs}) { UrlFootnotes().style = dartboardData.defaultTextStyle; final List groupedExperienceList = (entry) { final String subsection = entry.key; final List experiences = entry.value; return Column( children: [ Row( children: [ Text( subsection, style: dartboardData.subheaderTextStyle .merge(const TextStyle(fontSize: 18)) .apply(color: const PdfColorGrey(0.2)), ), ], ), Row( children: [ Container(height: 2, width: 200, color: const PdfColorGrey(0.7)), ], ), SizedBox(height: 3), (DartboardExperience exp) => DartboardExperienceEntry(dartboardData: dartboardData, exp: exp), ), ], ); }, ).toList(); final List groupedMiscList = { final String subsection = entry.key; final List miscs = entry.value; return Column( children: [ Row( children: [ Text( subsection, style: dartboardData.subheaderTextStyle .merge(const TextStyle(fontSize: 18)) .apply(color: const PdfColorGrey(0.2)), ), ], ), Row( children: [ Container(height: 2, width: 200, color: const PdfColorGrey(0.7)), ], ), SizedBox(height: 3), (DartboardMisc misc) => DartboardMiscEntry(dartboardData: dartboardData, misc: misc), ), ], ); }).toList(); return FullPage( pageTheme: PageTheme( buildBackground: (_) => Container(color: dartboardData.backgroundColor), pageFormat: PdfPageFormat.standard), build: (Context context) { return // FullPage( // ignoreMargins: true, // child: Column( children: [ if (dartboardData.imagePath == null) Center( child: Column( children: [ Text(dartboardData.fullName, style: dartboardData.headerTextStyle), if (dartboardData.phoneNumber != null) Text(dartboardData.phoneNumber!, style: dartboardData.headerTextStyle), if ( != null) Text(!, style: dartboardData.headerTextStyle), ], ), ) else SizedBox( height: 100, width: double.infinity, child: Stack( children: [ if (dartboardData.imagePath != null) Positioned( left: 0, child: Container( height: 100, width: 100, decoration: BoxDecoration( shape:, image: DecorationImage( fit: BoxFit.contain, image: MemoryImage( File(dartboardData.imagePath!).readAsBytesSync(), ), ), ), ), ), Center( child: Column( children: [ Text(dartboardData.fullName, style: dartboardData.headerTextStyle), if (dartboardData.phoneNumber != null) Text(dartboardData.phoneNumber!, style: dartboardData.headerTextStyle), if ( != null) Text(!, style: dartboardData.headerTextStyle), ], ), ), ], ), ), ...groupedExperienceList, ...groupedMiscList, // this is quirky and gets evaluated before the actual footnotes get added up, so the original adding is done in the prerender ...UrlFootnotes().footnotes, DartboardFooter(dartboardData: dartboardData, renderNs: renderNs), ], // ), ); }, ); }