import 'dart:async'; import 'dart:convert'; import 'dart:io'; import 'package:dartboard_resume/render.dart'; import 'package:hotreloader/hotreloader.dart'; import 'package:toml/toml.dart'; StreamSubscription? fileStreamSub; StreamSubscription? stdinStreamSub; Future dartboardRun(HotReloader? reloader) async { const String tomlFilePath = "resume.toml"; if (reloader != null) { stdout.writeln('Hot reload enabled!'); } { stdout.writeln('SIGINT received. Exiting gracefully...'); fileStreamSub?.cancel(); stdinStreamSub?.cancel(); // Perform cleanup or other necessary actions here reloader?.stop(); exit(0); // Exit with code 0 to indicate a successful termination }); stdinStreamSub = getUserInputStream().listen( (event) { if (event == "r") { stdout.writeln("Triggering pdf render..."); createDocument(tomlFilePath); } if (event == "p") { stdout.writeln("Current toml map:"); stdout.writeln(TomlDocument.loadSync(tomlFilePath).toMap()); } if (event == "q") { stdout.writeln('Exiting...'); fileStreamSub?.cancel(); stdinStreamSub?.cancel(); // Perform cleanup or other necessary actions here reloader?.stop(); exit(0); // Exit with code 0 to indicate a successful termination } }, ); if (FileSystemEntity.isWatchSupported) { final fileStream = File(tomlFilePath).watch(events: FileSystemEvent.modify); fileStreamSub = fileStream.listen((e) { createDocument(tomlFilePath); }); stdout.writeln('Watching for file changes.'); } else { stdout.writeln('File watch is not supported. Exiting upon completion.'); createDocument(tomlFilePath); } } Stream getUserInputStream() { stdin.lineMode = false; stdin.echoMode = false; stdin.echoNewlineMode = false; return stdin.transform(const Utf8Decoder()).transform(const LineSplitter()); } void refreshViewer() { final result = Process.runSync('pgrep', ['llpp']); if (result.exitCode != 0) { stdout.writeln( 'Unable to refresh the viewer\nDartboard Resume can refresh your pdf viewer! Here are the supported programs:\n\t- llpp', ); return; } // Send the HUP signal to `llpp` Process.runSync('pkill', ['-HUP', 'llpp']); } void createDocument(String tomlFilePath) { renderPdf(tomlFilePath, force: true); refreshViewer(); }